Happy Thursday MTG peeps,
We want to apologise for missing yesterday's daily post here at MTG Realm as we took an on-couch sabatical for the day. Hopefully, you've not lost total interest and have tottled off to one of those other Magic the Gathering websites - nah - that's OK with us - as long as you still come back, we forgive you. ;-)
Anywhoos - On to today's posty . . .
We have always had a thing for solid white builds for standard constructed, usually involving the core set Planeswalker of the day and whatever may have worked well those abilities. Case in point, here are some casual MTG builds we've constructed over the last year - Life Gain, Soul Sisters, and th

The issue which we had was that it appeared to be a card or so short of becoming a stable build in that the format offered quite a few decent cards which tapped down an opponent's threat, other cards which took advantage of that tap, and just one (Gideon) which gave us the ability to destroy target tapped nuisance.
We did consider for a time attempting to get Royal Assasin into the mix but the double white and this double black just did not work for us. We were originally impressed with Royal Assasin at a Friday Night Magic event at our local games store, OMG! Games last year. We just traded several Assasins which another player when irronically, as luck would have it, we were matched up for a game. We got our buttocks handed to us, due mainly to the Assasin. After that evening, we had a renewed sense of appreciation for that card.
Fast forward to today, shortly after the release of the lastest set, Innistrad and those wonderful enemy dual lands. Isolated chapel will tap for both black and white mana, which may now make our dream of a casual black / white tap 'n' destroy deck possible.
Our challenge for you today, should you choose to participate is to provide your sage advice on card choices for this black and white build. The build MUST contain Gideon Jura, Gideon's Lawkeeper, Gideon's Avenger, and Royal Assasin. Where you go to after that is completely up to you - whether you decide to both Mirran and Phryexian Crusader (with swords?) into the mix or another tact altogether. Use MTG Url or just paste your ideas below in the comment thingy and be prepared to receive our appreciation (sorry, just appreciation, our prize vault is empty).

if this is casual and we can add "non-standard" cards then assassinate and gold meadow harrier
also the priest shown in the picture above is a good idea imo
Well for the mana base I would build, it would probably look like this- 4 isolated chapels 2 shimmering grotto(maybe more?) and 9 plains and 9 swamps(24 total)
Isolated chapel is great because it's a dual land, yes we all kno that, but also not a whole lot of the cards you listed were an exspensive mana cost so if ur opening hand is 3 chapels, It would be safe to keep, though.
For creatures:
4 gideons lawkeepers
4 gideons avengers
4 royal assassin
4 avacynian priest
4 sun Titan
4 sunblast angel
4 grave Titan
The creature base I feel is really big(20) so I felt as though when your bringing out all these little critters relatively fast, you can recover from DOJs and other board sweeps with sun Titan bringing back your combo.
4 Gideon Jura
4 fulgent distractions
Well gideon is his own win condition. Nuff said. And I run fulgent distraction over feeling of dread because ofthe little equipment deal, though the mana cost fights turn three for a royal assassin so I may switch it.
Well for the mana base I would build, it would probably look like this- 4 isolated chapels 2 shimmering grotto(maybe more?) and 9 plains and 9 swamps(24 total)
Isolated chapel is great because it's a dual land, yes we all kno that, but also not a whole lot of the cards you listed were an exspensive mana cost so if ur opening hand is 3 chapels, It would be safe to keep, though.
For creatures:
4 gideons lawkeepers
4 gideons avengers
4 royal assassin
4 avacynian priest
4 sun Titan
4 sunblast angel
4 grave Titan
The creature base I feel is really big(20) so I felt as though when your bringing out all these little critters relatively fast, you can recover from DOJs and other board sweeps with sun Titan bringing back your combo.
4 Gideon Jura
4 fulgent distractions
Well gideon is his own win condition. Nuff said. And I run fulgent distraction over feeling of dread because ofthe little equipment deal, though the mana cost fights turn three for a royal assassin so I may switch it.
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