
If you are not a Pro Tour contender, why would you care about the gaming going on there ?
Because Wizards of the Coast is debuting the latest product, Archenemy multiplayer game which happens to have several new cards expected in the Magic 2011 core-set. Yep - M11 new card previews have just begun and the spoiler season is now underway. Let's have a look what had been shown down south . . .

Instant, Common
Chandra's Outrage deals 4 damage to target creature and 2 damage to that creature's controller

Instant, Common
Destroy creature with flying

Creature - Skeleton Warrior, Uncommon

Artifact, Uncommon
Wow - nice cards so far. We were rather surprised at the whole coin flipping thing coming back but are happy with it.
We're sure more cards and / or Magic 2011 spoilers / tidbits may be coming from San Juan before the end of the weekend.