Happy Monday MTG peeps,
We want to hear about how your Avacyn Restored PreRelease event went on the weekend. How did you do? Which cards were you impressed with in your sealed build? What did you pull?
Anywhoos - we went to the AVR PreRelease on Sunday at OMG! Games and Collectibles, here in Barrie, Ontario and had a blast. Rares pulled by yours truly CopySix and RStomp of MTG Realm were as follows :
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Cavern of Souls, Vexing Devil, Entreat the Angels, Angel of Jubilation, Somberwald Sage, Burn at the Stake,
Descendants' Path, Divine Deflection, Ulvenwald Tracker, Herald of War, Wild Defiance.
Enough yattering, lets have a look at the video -
CopySix's pool was fairly deep in White and Blue, and a bit thinner in the remaining colours. We would have rather liked to have played Red / Green but felt it would not quite get us there, so Blue / White it was.
RStomp went with a White / Blue build as well. After the event and re-evaluating his pool kicked himself for not committing to a Red / White build.
Here's a pic of the collective rares pulled . . .
One last thingy before we sign-off on this post - we suggest you inquire whether your local gaming store will be running an Avacyn Launch Friday Night Magic event. We'll be headed out to OMG! Games again this Friday to hopefully score a lovely looking foil Restoration Angel.
Also of note -
The Avacyn Restored artwork is exceptional - especially the lands. Upgrade 'em to foils we say. Check out the great prices at MTG Mint Card and pre-order that foily goodness.
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AVR Wallpapers
Happy Friday MTG peeps,
Not only is today your regular Friday Night Magic (FNM) event but at midnight, your local games store may be running an Avacyn Restored PreRelease event. The two Helvault AVR pre-rel events at our local store, OMG Games in Barrie, Ontario (just 45 min. north of Toronto) is pretty much filled up with the other 'non-Helvault' events attracting the overflow players. Anywhoos - call ahead to your store to ensure there's room at the Inn and check out our last article providing points for your PreRelease HERE.
Today's post is light 'n' fluffy - here is the round-up of Avacyn Restored wallpapers for your desktop or mobile device - - jazz your boring stale theme up with some of these cool graphics -
Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Avacyn, Angel of Hope
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Angel's Tomb
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Commander's Authority
Not only is today your regular Friday Night Magic (FNM) event but at midnight, your local games store may be running an Avacyn Restored PreRelease event. The two Helvault AVR pre-rel events at our local store, OMG Games in Barrie, Ontario (just 45 min. north of Toronto) is pretty much filled up with the other 'non-Helvault' events attracting the overflow players. Anywhoos - call ahead to your store to ensure there's room at the Inn and check out our last article providing points for your PreRelease HERE.
Today's post is light 'n' fluffy - here is the round-up of Avacyn Restored wallpapers for your desktop or mobile device - - jazz your boring stale theme up with some of these cool graphics -
Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Avacyn, Angel of Hope
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Angel's Tomb
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Commander's Authority
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Searchlight Geist
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Searchlight Geist
640x960 (iPhone)
2048x2048 (iPad)
851x315 (Facebook Cover)
Our friends over at MTG Mint Card are working hard to get the latest Avacyn Restored singles posted up and priced for pre-order. Check 'em out!
Our friends over at MTG Mint Card are working hard to get the latest Avacyn Restored singles posted up and priced for pre-order. Check 'em out!
avacyn restored,
Magic The Gathering,
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mtg wallpaper,
AVR Intro Pack Decklists
Happy Thursday MTG peeps,
Today, WoTC Monty on the Mothersite provided Magic the Gathering players the Avacyn Restored Intro Pack decklists. We here at MTG Realm did give you, the reader a sneak peek back at the beginning of the month (linky here) and the fan community has been wrawling for the final decklists since. Intro Packs provide a good way for novice players to get into the world's most popular trading card game. Avacyn Restored is the latest Magic the Gathering set being released on 5th May, 2012, but head down to your local Games Store during the prerelease event this weekend and you might be able to pick up a pack to get in some dueling with other players. Check with your store.
Each Avacyn Restored Intro Pack contains : a 60-card theme deck, 1 premium foil card, 1 premium card, a Dark Ascension booster pack, and a strategy and a rules insert. The Manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) approximately $13 - or slightly more if you're like us and live waaay up here on the frozen desolate thundra's of northern Canada. The sled pack from the post office was delivering in the village the other day, so we should be able to pick up one or two and do a video dissection and review for you latter.
Anywhoos - heres the 4.1.1 -
Legend : (C) - Common, (U) - Uncommon, (R) - Rare
Angelic Might (
) : Foil Rare : Herald of War
25 lands : 11 Forest, 13 Plains, 1 Seraph Sanctuary
21 creatures : 1 Angel of Glory's Rise (R), 2 Angelic Wall (C), 1 Archangel (U), 3 Borderland Ranger (C), 2 Cathedral Sanctifier (C), 2 Emancipation Angel (U), 2 Gideon's Lawkeeper (C), 1 Goldnight Redeemer (U), 1 Herald of War (R), 2 Seraph of Dawn (U), 2 Serra Angel (U), 1 Timberland Guide (C), 1 Voice of the Provinces (C)
14 other spells : 2 Angel's Tomb (U), 1 Bladed Bracers (C), 1 Builder's Blessing (U), 2 Defang (C), 1 Defy Death (U), 1 Oblivion Ring (U), 2 Rampant Growth (C), 2 Righteous Blow (C), 1 Scroll of Avacyn (C), 1 Triumph of Ferocity (U)
Solitary Fiends (
) : Foil Rare : Lone Revenant
24 lands : 11 Island, 13 Swamp
17 creatures : 3 Alchemist's Apprentice (C), 1 Corpse Traders (U), 1 Crypt Creeper (C), 2 Fettergeist (U), 1 Havengul Skaab (C), 1 Lone Revenant (R), 2 Marrow Bats (U), 2 Mist Raven (C), 2 Renegade Demon (C), 2 Undead Executioner (C)
19 other spells : 2 Crippling Chill (C), 1 Demonic Rising (R), 2 Doom Blade (C), 2 Essence Harvest (C), 2 Frost Breath (C), 1 Homicidal Seclusion (U), 2 Into the Void (U), 2 Peel from Reality (C), 1 Predator's Gambit, 1 Swiftfoot Boots (U), 2 Tormentor's Trident (U), 1 Triumph of Cruelty (U)
Slaughterhouse (
) : Foil Rare : Harvester of Souls
25 lands : 12 Mountain, 13 Swamp
25 creatures : 1 Blood Artist (C), 1 Bloodflow Connoisseur (C), 3 Butcher Ghoul (C), 2 Demonic Taskmaster (U), 1 Demonlord of Ashmouth (R), 1 Driver of the Dead (C), 2 Evernight Shade (U), 1 Gang of Devils (U), 2 Goblin Arsonist (C), 1 Harvester of Souls (R), 1 Havengul Vampire (U), 1 Hunted Ghoul (C), 1 Maalfeld Twins (U), 2 Raging Poltergeist (C), 2 Reassembling Skeleton (U), 3 Soulcage Fiend (C)
10 other spells : 2 Barter in Blood (U), 2 Bone Splinters (C), 2 Fling (C), 2 Grave Exchange (C), 1 Scroll of Griselbrand (C), 1 Unhallowed Pact (C)
Fiery Dawn (
) ; Foil Rare : Zealous Conscripts
24 lands : 12 Mountain, 12 Plains
21 creatures : 2 Benalish Veteran (C), 1 Devout Chaplain (U), 2 Elite Vanguard (U), 2 Goldnight Commander (U), 2 Kessig Malcontents (U), 2 Kruin Striker (C), 1 Manic Vandal (C), 2 Moorland Inquisitor (C), 3 Riot Ringleader (C), 1 Somberwald Vigilante (C), 2 Thraben Valiant (C), 1 Zealous Conscripts (R)
15 other spells : 1 Angelic Armaments (U), 1 Banners Raised (C), 1 Cathars' Crusade (R), 1 Commander's Authority (U), 1 Fireball (U), 2 Incinerate (C), 1 Pacifism (C), 1 Pillar of Flame (C), 3 Thatcher Revolt (C), 2 Vigilante Justice (U), 1 Zealous Strike (C)
Bound by Strength (
) : Foil Rare : Wolfir Silverheart
25 lands : 13 Forest, 12 Island
29 creatures : 1 Acidic Slime (U), 1 Deadeye Navigator (R), 2 Druid's Familiar (U), 2 Elgaud Shieldmate (C), 2 Flowering Lumberknot (C), 1 Geist Trappers (C), 2 Latch Seeker (U), 2 Llanowar Elves (C), 1 Nephalia Smuggler (U), 2 Nightshade Peddler (C), 1 Pathbreaker Wurm (C), 1 Runeclaw Bear (C), 2 Tandem Lookout (U), 3 Trusted Forcemage (C), 2 Vorstclaw (C), 2 Wingcrafter (C), 1 Wolfir Avenger (U), 1 Wolfir Silverheart (R)
6 other spells : 1 Ice Cage (C), 2 Joint Assault (C), 2 Lair Delve (C), 1 Overrun (U)
Happy Thursday MTG peeps,
Today, WoTC Monty on the Mothersite provided Magic the Gathering players the Avacyn Restored Intro Pack decklists. We here at MTG Realm did give you, the reader a sneak peek back at the beginning of the month (linky here) and the fan community has been wrawling for the final decklists since. Intro Packs provide a good way for novice players to get into the world's most popular trading card game. Avacyn Restored is the latest Magic the Gathering set being released on 5th May, 2012, but head down to your local Games Store during the prerelease event this weekend and you might be able to pick up a pack to get in some dueling with other players. Check with your store.
Each Avacyn Restored Intro Pack contains : a 60-card theme deck, 1 premium foil card, 1 premium card, a Dark Ascension booster pack, and a strategy and a rules insert. The Manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) approximately $13 - or slightly more if you're like us and live waaay up here on the frozen desolate thundra's of northern Canada. The sled pack from the post office was delivering in the village the other day, so we should be able to pick up one or two and do a video dissection and review for you latter.
Anywhoos - heres the 4.1.1 -
Legend : (C) - Common, (U) - Uncommon, (R) - Rare
Angelic Might (
25 lands : 11 Forest, 13 Plains, 1 Seraph Sanctuary
21 creatures : 1 Angel of Glory's Rise (R), 2 Angelic Wall (C), 1 Archangel (U), 3 Borderland Ranger (C), 2 Cathedral Sanctifier (C), 2 Emancipation Angel (U), 2 Gideon's Lawkeeper (C), 1 Goldnight Redeemer (U), 1 Herald of War (R), 2 Seraph of Dawn (U), 2 Serra Angel (U), 1 Timberland Guide (C), 1 Voice of the Provinces (C)
14 other spells : 2 Angel's Tomb (U), 1 Bladed Bracers (C), 1 Builder's Blessing (U), 2 Defang (C), 1 Defy Death (U), 1 Oblivion Ring (U), 2 Rampant Growth (C), 2 Righteous Blow (C), 1 Scroll of Avacyn (C), 1 Triumph of Ferocity (U)
Solitary Fiends (
24 lands : 11 Island, 13 Swamp
17 creatures : 3 Alchemist's Apprentice (C), 1 Corpse Traders (U), 1 Crypt Creeper (C), 2 Fettergeist (U), 1 Havengul Skaab (C), 1 Lone Revenant (R), 2 Marrow Bats (U), 2 Mist Raven (C), 2 Renegade Demon (C), 2 Undead Executioner (C)
19 other spells : 2 Crippling Chill (C), 1 Demonic Rising (R), 2 Doom Blade (C), 2 Essence Harvest (C), 2 Frost Breath (C), 1 Homicidal Seclusion (U), 2 Into the Void (U), 2 Peel from Reality (C), 1 Predator's Gambit, 1 Swiftfoot Boots (U), 2 Tormentor's Trident (U), 1 Triumph of Cruelty (U)
Slaughterhouse (
25 lands : 12 Mountain, 13 Swamp
25 creatures : 1 Blood Artist (C), 1 Bloodflow Connoisseur (C), 3 Butcher Ghoul (C), 2 Demonic Taskmaster (U), 1 Demonlord of Ashmouth (R), 1 Driver of the Dead (C), 2 Evernight Shade (U), 1 Gang of Devils (U), 2 Goblin Arsonist (C), 1 Harvester of Souls (R), 1 Havengul Vampire (U), 1 Hunted Ghoul (C), 1 Maalfeld Twins (U), 2 Raging Poltergeist (C), 2 Reassembling Skeleton (U), 3 Soulcage Fiend (C)
10 other spells : 2 Barter in Blood (U), 2 Bone Splinters (C), 2 Fling (C), 2 Grave Exchange (C), 1 Scroll of Griselbrand (C), 1 Unhallowed Pact (C)
Fiery Dawn (
24 lands : 12 Mountain, 12 Plains
21 creatures : 2 Benalish Veteran (C), 1 Devout Chaplain (U), 2 Elite Vanguard (U), 2 Goldnight Commander (U), 2 Kessig Malcontents (U), 2 Kruin Striker (C), 1 Manic Vandal (C), 2 Moorland Inquisitor (C), 3 Riot Ringleader (C), 1 Somberwald Vigilante (C), 2 Thraben Valiant (C), 1 Zealous Conscripts (R)
15 other spells : 1 Angelic Armaments (U), 1 Banners Raised (C), 1 Cathars' Crusade (R), 1 Commander's Authority (U), 1 Fireball (U), 2 Incinerate (C), 1 Pacifism (C), 1 Pillar of Flame (C), 3 Thatcher Revolt (C), 2 Vigilante Justice (U), 1 Zealous Strike (C)
Bound by Strength (
25 lands : 13 Forest, 12 Island
29 creatures : 1 Acidic Slime (U), 1 Deadeye Navigator (R), 2 Druid's Familiar (U), 2 Elgaud Shieldmate (C), 2 Flowering Lumberknot (C), 1 Geist Trappers (C), 2 Latch Seeker (U), 2 Llanowar Elves (C), 1 Nephalia Smuggler (U), 2 Nightshade Peddler (C), 1 Pathbreaker Wurm (C), 1 Runeclaw Bear (C), 2 Tandem Lookout (U), 3 Trusted Forcemage (C), 2 Vorstclaw (C), 2 Wingcrafter (C), 1 Wolfir Avenger (U), 1 Wolfir Silverheart (R)
6 other spells : 1 Ice Cage (C), 2 Joint Assault (C), 2 Lair Delve (C), 1 Overrun (U)
avacyn restored,
intro packs,
Magic The Gathering,
mtg realm,
PreRelease Prep
Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,
It is Wednesday which means it's not that far off to the Avacyn Restored prerelease events this weekend. As early as midnight this Friday, Magic the Gathering players will be descending upon their local games stores and start cracking open those new packs of cards. Today's post, we want to take the opportunity to provide some pointers to newer players attending their first (or second prerelease event).
Although we've been going to prereleases every since Lorwyn, we somehow still seem to forget some of the bascis - we'll put that down to being overly excited getting fresh cardboard in our hand in anticipation of slinging all the new coolness on the game table. Anwyhoos, here is a brief summary of of what WoTC staffer Steve Sadin had provided on the Mothersite today in his article 'Gearing up for Avacyn Restored' . . .
• Make sure to call ahead and preregister for the Prerelease!
• Avacyn Restored is a standalone Limited set
• Play forty cards!
• Play two colors or two colors with a light third-color splash.
• Play 17–18 lands.
• If you're playing any miracle cards, keep your hand and the first card you draw each turn completely separate from one another (until you know it isn't a miracle card).
• Understanding soulbond - Whenever a creature with soulbond enters the battlefield, you can choose to pair it with another unpaired creature that you control. But you don't have to pair it immediately. Because whenever any creature enters the battlefield, if you have any unpaired soulbond creatures you may pair one of them with your new creature.
• Liabilities - Be careful not to include too many (or any) cards that require a specific set of circumstances for them to be relevant.
• Make sure your deck has a plan - No matter what you end up playing this weekend, make sure you can envision a way that you're going to win.
MTG Realm will be heading to OMG! Games & Collectibles here in Barrie, Ontario (Sunday) who will hosting a number of Avacyn Restored Prerelease event. Entry fee is $35 - you get SIX Avacyn Restored boosters in which to construct a 40-card deck, a foil prerelease promo card, and a shot at winning prizes. Start times are as follows:
Saturday 28th April :
Friday Midnight / 10:00 AM / 2:30 PM (Helvault release) / 7:00 PM
Sunday 29th April :
11:00 AM (Helvault release) / 4:00 PM (2-Headed Giant format)
Contact the store for more details -
OMG! Games and Collectibles
130 Bell Farm Rd
Barrie, Ontario
(705) 721-GAME (4263)
Finally, the folks over at MTG Mint Card is running a contest with a pretty cool giveaway . . .
Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,
It is Wednesday which means it's not that far off to the Avacyn Restored prerelease events this weekend. As early as midnight this Friday, Magic the Gathering players will be descending upon their local games stores and start cracking open those new packs of cards. Today's post, we want to take the opportunity to provide some pointers to newer players attending their first (or second prerelease event).
Although we've been going to prereleases every since Lorwyn, we somehow still seem to forget some of the bascis - we'll put that down to being overly excited getting fresh cardboard in our hand in anticipation of slinging all the new coolness on the game table. Anwyhoos, here is a brief summary of of what WoTC staffer Steve Sadin had provided on the Mothersite today in his article 'Gearing up for Avacyn Restored' . . .
• Make sure to call ahead and preregister for the Prerelease!
• Avacyn Restored is a standalone Limited set
• Play forty cards!
• Play two colors or two colors with a light third-color splash.
• Play 17–18 lands.
• If you're playing any miracle cards, keep your hand and the first card you draw each turn completely separate from one another (until you know it isn't a miracle card).
• Understanding soulbond - Whenever a creature with soulbond enters the battlefield, you can choose to pair it with another unpaired creature that you control. But you don't have to pair it immediately. Because whenever any creature enters the battlefield, if you have any unpaired soulbond creatures you may pair one of them with your new creature.
• Liabilities - Be careful not to include too many (or any) cards that require a specific set of circumstances for them to be relevant.
• Make sure your deck has a plan - No matter what you end up playing this weekend, make sure you can envision a way that you're going to win.
Saturday 28th April :
Friday Midnight / 10:00 AM / 2:30 PM (Helvault release) / 7:00 PM
Sunday 29th April :
11:00 AM (Helvault release) / 4:00 PM (2-Headed Giant format)
Contact the store for more details -
OMG! Games and Collectibles
130 Bell Farm Rd
Barrie, Ontario
(705) 721-GAME (4263)
Finally, the folks over at MTG Mint Card is running a contest with a pretty cool giveaway . . .
Avacyn Restored FAQ
Happy Tuesday afternoon MTG peeps,
This is our second post for the day. In our first post, we formally introduced our first official 'Tumblr Tuesdays', but for now we wanted to cover off the Avacyn Restored FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions document (WoTC linky here). As you are likely headed out to the prerelease event this weekend (with thousands of other Magic: The Gathering players), it may help to give this document a look over. For now, here's a quick run-down of the two new Avacyn Restored mechanics -
New Keyword: Miracle
Miracle is a keyword mechanic introduced in Avacyn Restored. Miracle provides an alternate cost for a card which can be used while drawing it if it is the first card drawn during a turn. The timing of casting it is similar to the timing of casting cards with Madness. If a player intends to cast a card for its miracle cost, the card must be revealed immediately. Costs are being payed when the effect causing the draw is finished and the triggered ability to cast it resolves.
Mythic Miracles : Entreat the Angels, Bonfire of the Damned, Temporal Mastery.
Rare Miracles : Terminus, Devastation Tide, Reforge the Soul, Revenge of the Hunted.
Uncommon Miracles : Banishing Stroke, Vanishment, Thunderous Wrath, Blessings of Nature.
New Keyword: Soulbond
Soulbond is a keyword mechanic introduced in Avacyn Restored. Soulbond pairs up creatures with each other. When a creature with Soulbond enters the battlefield, it can choose another unpaired creature. The creatures are considered paired with each other. The player may also choose not to pair with another creature, and then choose to pair with another creature when that creature enters the battlefield. Usually, the creature with Soulbond as well as its pair gain abilities or advantages when paired up. There are also other cards which look for paired up creatures. Creatures can not become members of multiple pairs. However, if two creatuers with Soulbond pair up, they each provide their benefits to each other.
White (3) : Nearheath Pilgrim, Silverblade Paladin, Spectral Gateguards
Blue (5) : Deadeye Navigator, Elgaud Shieldmate, Stern Mentor, Tandem Lookout, Wingcrafter
Red (3) : Hanweir Lancer, Lightning Mauler, Stonewright,
Green (8) : Diregraf Escort, Druid's Familiar, Flowering Lumberknot, Geist Trappers, Nightshade Peddler, Pathbreaker Wurm, Trusted Forcemage, Wolfir Silverheart
Finally, the folks over at MTG Mint Card is running a contest with a pretty cool giveaway . . .
Happy Tuesday afternoon MTG peeps,
This is our second post for the day. In our first post, we formally introduced our first official 'Tumblr Tuesdays', but for now we wanted to cover off the Avacyn Restored FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions document (WoTC linky here). As you are likely headed out to the prerelease event this weekend (with thousands of other Magic: The Gathering players), it may help to give this document a look over. For now, here's a quick run-down of the two new Avacyn Restored mechanics -
New Keyword: Miracle
Miracle is a keyword mechanic introduced in Avacyn Restored. Miracle provides an alternate cost for a card which can be used while drawing it if it is the first card drawn during a turn. The timing of casting it is similar to the timing of casting cards with Madness. If a player intends to cast a card for its miracle cost, the card must be revealed immediately. Costs are being payed when the effect causing the draw is finished and the triggered ability to cast it resolves.
Mythic Miracles : Entreat the Angels, Bonfire of the Damned, Temporal Mastery.
Rare Miracles : Terminus, Devastation Tide, Reforge the Soul, Revenge of the Hunted.
Uncommon Miracles : Banishing Stroke, Vanishment, Thunderous Wrath, Blessings of Nature.
702.91. Miracle
702.91a Miracle is a static ability linked to a triggered ability (see rule 603.10). "Miracle [cost]" means "You may reveal this card from your hand as you draw it if it's the first card you've drawn this turn. When you reveal this card this way, you may cast it by paying [cost] rather than its mana cost."
702.91b If a player chooses to reveal a card using its miracle ability, he or she plays with that card revealed until that card leaves his or her hand, that ability resolves, or that ability otherwise leaves the stack.
New Keyword: Soulbond
Soulbond is a keyword mechanic introduced in Avacyn Restored. Soulbond pairs up creatures with each other. When a creature with Soulbond enters the battlefield, it can choose another unpaired creature. The creatures are considered paired with each other. The player may also choose not to pair with another creature, and then choose to pair with another creature when that creature enters the battlefield. Usually, the creature with Soulbond as well as its pair gain abilities or advantages when paired up. There are also other cards which look for paired up creatures. Creatures can not become members of multiple pairs. However, if two creatuers with Soulbond pair up, they each provide their benefits to each other.
White (3) : Nearheath Pilgrim, Silverblade Paladin, Spectral Gateguards
Blue (5) : Deadeye Navigator, Elgaud Shieldmate, Stern Mentor, Tandem Lookout, Wingcrafter
Red (3) : Hanweir Lancer, Lightning Mauler, Stonewright,
Green (8) : Diregraf Escort, Druid's Familiar, Flowering Lumberknot, Geist Trappers, Nightshade Peddler, Pathbreaker Wurm, Trusted Forcemage, Wolfir Silverheart
702.92. Soulbond~
702.92a. Soulbond is a keyword that represents two triggered abilities. "Soulbond" means "When this creature enters the battlefield, if you control both this creature and another creature and both are unpaired, you may pair this creature with another unpaired creature you control for as long as both remain creatures on the battlefield under your control" and "Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, if you control both that creature and this one and both are unpaired, you may pair that creature with this creature for as long as both remain creatures on the battlefield under your control."
702.92b A creature becomes "paired" with another as the result of a soulbond ability. Abilities may refer to a paired creature, the creature another creature is paired with, or whether a creature is paired. An "unpaired" creature is one that is not paired.
702.92c When the soulbond ability resolves, if either object that would be paired is no longer a creature, no longer on the battlefield, or no longer under the control of the player who controls the soulbond ability, neither object becomes paired.
702.92d A creature can be paired with only one other creature.
702.92e A paired creature becomes unpaired if any of the following occur: another player gains control of it or the creature it's paired with; it or the creature it's paired with stops being a creature; or it or the creature it's paired with leaves the battlefield.
Finally, the folks over at MTG Mint Card is running a contest with a pretty cool giveaway . . .
avacyn restored faq,
faq document,
Magic The Gathering,
mtg realm,
Tumblr Tuesdays
Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,
We want to start something a bit new here on MTG Realm - in addition to any daily posts we might have for the MTG Realm blog here, we want to give you a round-up of our last several MTG Realm Tumblr posts with a repost of those interesting little tid-bits for the attention deficited readers.
Enjoy . . .
A. Solo (singing acapella),
B. Shakespearean Soliloquy,
C. Being bada$$ awesum.
Finally, the folks over at MTG Mint Card is running a contest with a pretty cool giveaway . . .
Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,
We want to start something a bit new here on MTG Realm - in addition to any daily posts we might have for the MTG Realm blog here, we want to give you a round-up of our last several MTG Realm Tumblr posts with a repost of those interesting little tid-bits for the attention deficited readers.
Enjoy . . .
IDW’s Magic the Gathering Comics
#1 (promo - Treasure Hunt),
#2 (promo - Faithless Looting), and
#3 (promo - Feast of Blood), just came in making me a happy geek.
#1 (promo - Treasure Hunt),
#2 (promo - Faithless Looting), and
#3 (promo - Feast of Blood), just came in making me a happy geek.
Guess who’s in M13
manatapped:What’s Nicol B doing ??
(note: the art for this card is from Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas, not M13)
A. Solo (singing acapella),
B. Shakespearean Soliloquy,
C. Being bada$$ awesum.
As we now have ALL Avacyn Restored cards spoiled and officially previewed, we think a closer look at Avacyn Restored tokens and their respective token generator card may be in order -
4/4 white Angel creature token (flying) : Entreat the Angels, Moonsilver Spear
1/1 white Spirit creature token (flying) : Gallows at Willow Hill
1/1 white Human creature token : Commander’s Authority, Voice of the Provinces
1/1 blue Spirit creature token (flying) : Geist Snatch
5/5 black Demon creature token (flying) : Demonic Rising
2/2 black Zombie creature token : Maalfeld Twins
1/1 red Human creature tokens (haste) : Thatcher Revolt
4/4 white Angel creature token (flying) : Entreat the Angels, Moonsilver Spear
1/1 white Spirit creature token (flying) : Gallows at Willow Hill
1/1 white Human creature token : Commander’s Authority, Voice of the Provinces
1/1 blue Spirit creature token (flying) : Geist Snatch
5/5 black Demon creature token (flying) : Demonic Rising
2/2 black Zombie creature token : Maalfeld Twins
1/1 red Human creature tokens (haste) : Thatcher Revolt
A Golem’s Dream.
Cloudshift will be a favourite card for players wanting to maximise efficiency on EOTB creatures.
NOTE - from heroeskage - Cloudshift won’t deliver moar Golems via Precursor.
Cloudshift will be a favourite card for players wanting to maximise efficiency on EOTB creatures.
NOTE - from heroeskage - Cloudshift won’t deliver moar Golems via Precursor.
April 22, 2012
Avacyn Restored Spoiler
203 / 244
Last Update : 4/22/2012
Text list with images for most Mythic Rare & Rare cards.
203 / 244
Last Update : 4/22/2012
Text list with images for most Mythic Rare & Rare cards.
Finally, the folks over at MTG Mint Card is running a contest with a pretty cool giveaway . . .
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Avacyn Restored Tokens
Hello again MTG peeps,
As we now have ALL Avacyn Restored cards spoiled and officially previewed, we think a closer look at Avacyn Restored tokens and their respective token generator card may be in order. Let's go . . .
4/4 white Angel creature token (flying) : Entreat the Angels, Moonsilver Spear
1/1 white Spirit creature token (flying) : Gallows at Willow Hill
1/1 white Human creature token : Commander's Authority, Voice of the Provinces
1/1 blue Spirit creature token (flying) : Geist Snatch
5/5 black Demon creature token (flying) : Demonic Rising
2/2 black Zombie creature token : Maalfeld Twins
1/1 red Human creature tokens (haste) : Thatcher Revolt
Our friends over at MTG Mint Card are working hard to get the latest Avacyn Restored singles posted up and priced for pre-order. Check 'em out!
Hello again MTG peeps,
As we now have ALL Avacyn Restored cards spoiled and officially previewed, we think a closer look at Avacyn Restored tokens and their respective token generator card may be in order. Let's go . . .
4/4 white Angel creature token (flying) : Entreat the Angels, Moonsilver Spear
1/1 white Spirit creature token (flying) : Gallows at Willow Hill
1/1 white Human creature token : Commander's Authority, Voice of the Provinces
1/1 blue Spirit creature token (flying) : Geist Snatch
5/5 black Demon creature token (flying) : Demonic Rising
2/2 black Zombie creature token : Maalfeld Twins
1/1 red Human creature tokens (haste) : Thatcher Revolt
Our friends over at MTG Mint Card are working hard to get the latest Avacyn Restored singles posted up and priced for pre-order. Check 'em out!
AVR Spoiler Complete
Happy Monday MTG peeps,
The Avacyn Restored spoiler as of just a few hours ago is now complete !
Just ahead of the the PreRelease events scheduled for this weekend (April 28-29, 2012), all 244 cards have now been accounted for. You can find the entire set's text along with card images for Rare and Mythic Rares in our Avacyn Restored Spoiler List.
We'll spend the remainder of the week going over the new cards in more detail as well as highlighting notes of interest in the Frequently Asked Questions document to help you prepare for some good gaming this weekend. Anywhoos - here's some eye candy showcasing some of the last few AVR cards previewed for MTG players now. Awesome art is awesome . . .
Here's the 4.1.1 for you on the Avacyn Restored set :
The Avacyn Restored set is set 3 of 3 in the Innistrad block contains 244 cards :
• 101 common
• 60 uncommon
• 53 rare
• 15 mythic rare
• 15 basic land
Prerelease events: April 28-29, 2012
Launch Parties: May 4-6, 2012
Game Day: May 26-27, 2012
Our friends over at MTG Mint Card are working hard to get the latest Avacyn Restored singles posted up and priced for pre-order. Check 'em out!
Happy Monday MTG peeps,
The Avacyn Restored spoiler as of just a few hours ago is now complete !
Just ahead of the the PreRelease events scheduled for this weekend (April 28-29, 2012), all 244 cards have now been accounted for. You can find the entire set's text along with card images for Rare and Mythic Rares in our Avacyn Restored Spoiler List.
We'll spend the remainder of the week going over the new cards in more detail as well as highlighting notes of interest in the Frequently Asked Questions document to help you prepare for some good gaming this weekend. Anywhoos - here's some eye candy showcasing some of the last few AVR cards previewed for MTG players now. Awesome art is awesome . . .
Here's the 4.1.1 for you on the Avacyn Restored set :
The Avacyn Restored set is set 3 of 3 in the Innistrad block contains 244 cards :
• 101 common
• 60 uncommon
• 53 rare
• 15 mythic rare
• 15 basic land
Prerelease events: April 28-29, 2012
Launch Parties: May 4-6, 2012
Game Day: May 26-27, 2012
Our friends over at MTG Mint Card are working hard to get the latest Avacyn Restored singles posted up and priced for pre-order. Check 'em out!
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