Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,
We want to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year's eve and the very best for the new year. Oddly on the very last day of 2013 all three of us here at MTG Realm finally have found our Magic: the Gathering groove for standard and have decided on a standard constructed deck. RStomp is going with a Kibler Golgari variation, RTech is polishing up her Simic-Grow / Flash and yours truly CopySix is packing a take on Ryo Nakada's Orzhov Aggro (minus the Mutavaults as they are $30-$35 each and we don't have the money for those right now). We have recent acquisitions in hand now from MTG Mint Card and are ready for our next Friday Night Magic event at OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario.
Anywhoos - let's have a looky-loo at Ryo's list again for reference -
Ryo Nakada, Orzhov Aggro, GP Shizuoka 2013 Winning Decklist
29 creatures : 4 Banisher Priest, 4 Boros Elite, 4 Daring Skyjek, 3 Dryad Militant, 3 Imposing Sovereign, 4 Precinct Captain, 4 Soldier of the Pantheon, 3 Xathrid Necromancer
9 other spells : 4 Brave the Elements, 3 Orzhov Charm, 2 Spear of Heliod
15 sideboard cards : 3 Dark Betrayal, 3 Doom Blade, 1 Pithing Needle, 2 Profit // Loss, 3 Sin Collector, 2 Thoughtseize, 1 Xathrid Necromancer
Happy New Year / Happy Brewing!