Happy Wednesday MTG Peeps,

Anywhoos - let's get back on track . . .
You may recall a post we had here on MTG Realm waaaay back in October, 2009 which highlighted some of the amazing and stunning card alterations done by Japanese artists Seishiro Ookubo. Apparently, this type of three dimensional alterations are becoming rather popular to a point where there are regularly occurring website updates featuring a variety of material including 'how to' and of course showcasing this beautiful card alters. Just check out some of the posts Andrew Sitte over at Gathering Magic.
Moving on - the local game store, OMG! Games where we hang out to sling cards are now offering 3D card alterations by one of the local players, Mike Fairservice. One may even commission an alteration to your fav card. Store co-Owner Josh indicates that the store will very soon retain the services of an artist to provide 2D card alterations as well as customized playmats. Call OMG! Games store here in Barrie, Ontario, Canada at 705-721-4263 or eMail them at store[at]omggames.ca to make an inquiry. Here are some of the pieces on display at the moment . . .
Just how much fun can one have with an Xacto knife ? Apparently quite a bit and we understand from others that this process can even provide a Zen-like state of relax.
1 comment:
Seems awesome. I've tried that for myself, but, is really hard and I don't know how exactly the do for make them so nice.
Nice blog!
And, a completely random question, do you know what I need to become a Magic Judge? I know I'll never be the best player, but I'm a really logical guy, so I think being a judge it's for me. Thanks!
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