Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,
If you had already hit up the Dark Ascension art spoiler article we posted on Monday this week (WoTC Doug B's feature article) and loved it - well get ready, WoTC Monty had posted s'more on the mothership today. Dark Ascension, the second set in the Innistrad block promises to deliver classic / gothic horror to Magic the Gathering fans. Official previews begin on Wizards on Monday 9th January with pre-release events on January 27/28 and release on February 3rd.
Anywhoos - enough of us yattering - let's have a look at the amazing arts -
Art by James Ryman showing a nasty skeleton giving a 'cup 'o' cheeze to an unsuspecting villager. He's climbin in yo windows, he's snatchin yo people up! Oh hai! - Does this smell like embalming fluid.
Time for some Werewolf jokes (apoligies in advance) -
What should you do if your pet werewolf gets sick?~
Count your friends. It may be somebody he ate.
Where do you keep your pet werewolf?
In a were house.
How many werewolves does it take to change a light bulb?
A lot fewer than it takes to change a heavy bulb.
What did the werewolf say when he ate the DCI Judge?
Why do teachers hate teaching werewolves?
Because they are always eating their homework!
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