Good Day MTG,We feel it time for some prophetical prognostication and will take a stab at the upcoming Rise of the Eldrazi, set to be unleashed in about a month from now. Please note that any supposition provided here is completely baseless and should be taken as a fabrication of a fevered and ill mind.
First baseless speculation . . .
Wizards will print Islands in this set - crazy huh? OK - just kidd'n.Anticipate a splash of Ravinca Boros. Expect cards that will provide a strong showing against the monstrous Eldrazi titans. Expect soldiers, angels and a mess of other critters with haste, vigilance, first and double strike. Why - No Reason at all really - just a crazy idea we got from looking at the emblem shown on Basilisk Collar . . .

Next Crazy Speculation
Next Crazy Speculation
Why ? Again - no reason. We received an anonymous message (yep - sender unkown) with this art and a reference to Barren Glory. We do not personally believe this but will provide this for your careful consideration. If anyone knows who this artist may be, please drop me a line as we want to drop credit and a link to their site here.

and - Last wild 'n' nutty Speculation
and - Last wild 'n' nutty Speculation
Expect cards within Rise of the Eldrazi which will provide stong walls with kick-butt defender abilities. Also expect cards which will either enhance the current man-lands, or are non-basic lands which would show a strong defence against the Eldrazi. Some of these cards may be similar to Darksteel Garrison of Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion . . .
Well, enough crazy stuff from us - drop us a line and tell us what you think will go down in this next set.
And lastly - some sad news - I typically pick-up a Fat Pack with each new set and sometimes a Booster Box if my wallet allows it. My local gamery store apparently has a very limited number Rise of the Eldrazi Fat Packs and it will be 'first come, first serve' - sooo - does anyone have a On-Line Retailer who may be able to ship here to Canada that they like ?
I wonder if they would print a mox type card costing 2 colorless and being an eldrazi spell. Therefore casting zero if you have the eye of ugin!!!
I believe that cardkingdom.com ships to canada. A booster box is usually 95 bucks with shipping and handling
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