Hey y'all,
Looks like we have enough material for another post today. We know a lot of casual Magic the Gathering Players love sitting down at a table to do some duelling (using IntroPacks). Here, for your review are the much anticipated Worldwake IntroPack contents - make tracks to a store to pick some up.
Reference - Our previous post on Worldwake IntroPacks HERE, and the official page from Wizards of the Coast HERE.
* Indicates a Reprint from Magic 2010, Zendikar, etc.
Fangs of the Bloodchief IntroPack

Creatures - 13
2 x Pulse Tracker, b, common
2 x Child of Night*, 1b, common
2 x Ruthless Cullblade, 1b, common
1 x Bloodhusk Ritualist, 2b, uncommon
1 x Vampire Asristocrat*, 2b, common
1 x Vampire Nighthawk*, 1bb, uncommon
1 x Jagwasp Swarm, 3b, common
1 x Zombie Goliath*, 4b, common
1 x Anowon, the Ruin Sage, 3bb, Rare ($3.00)
1 x Butcher of Malakir, 5bb, Rare ($2.00)
Other Spells - 10
x Mire's Toll, b, common
1 x Feast of Blood*, 1b, uncommon
1 x Urge to Feed, bb, uncommon
1 x Dead Reckoning, 1bb, common
1 x Hideous End*, 1bb, common
1 x Brink of Disaster, 2bb, common
1 x Diabolic Tutor* 2bb, uncommon
1 x Rise from the Grave*, 4b, uncommon
1 x Comsume Spirit*, X1b, uncommon
Lands - 18
16 x Swamp
2 x Pirahana Marsh*, common
Flyover IntroPack

Creatures - 12
1 x Silvercoat Lion*, 1w, common
1 x Stormfront Pegasus*, 1w, common
2 x Apex Hawks, 2w, common
1 x Enclave Elite, 2u, common
1 x Gomazoa*, 2u, uncommon
2 x Kor Cartographer*, 3w, common
1 x Lightkeeper of Emeria, 3w, uncommon
1 x Voyager Drake, 3u, uncommon
1 x Surrakar Banisher, 4u, common
1 x Archon of Redemption, 3ww, rare (1.50)
Other Spells - 11
1 x Everflowing Chalice, 0, uncommon
1 x Righteousness*, w, uncommon
1 x Veteran's Reflexes, w, common
1 x Unsummon*, u, common
1 x Pacifism*, 1w, common
2 x Guardian Zendikon, 2w, common
1 x Divine Verdict*, 3w, common
1 x Marshal's Anthem, 2ww, rare ($2.00)
1 x Sleep*, 2uu, uncommon
1 x Iona's Judgement, 4w, common
Lands - 18
9 x Plains
7 x Island
1 x Dread Statuary, uncommon
1 x Terramorphhic Expanse*, common
~Mysterious Realms IntroPack

Creatures - 12
1 x Walking Atlas, 2, common
1 x Coral Merfolk*, 1u, common
1 x Frontier Guide*, 1g, uncommon
1 x Merfolk Wayfinder*, 2u, uncommon
1 x Tideforce Elemental, 2u, uncommon
2 x Calcite Snapper, 1uu, common
1 x Hedron Rover, 4, common
1 x Living Tsumani*, 2uu, uncommon
1 x Territorial Baloth*, 4g, common
1 x Baloth Woodcrasher*, 4gg, uncommon
1 x Goliath Sphinx, 5uu, rare ($1)
Other Spells - 11
2 x Wind Zendikon, u, common
1 x Telepathy*, u, uncommon
2 x Treasure Hunt, 1u, common
1 x Aether Tradewinds, 2u, common
2 x Paralyzing Grasp*, 2u, common
1 x Seer's Sundial, 4, rare ($2.00)
1 x Mysteries of the Deep, 4u, common
1 x Vapor Snare, 4u, uncommon
Lands - 18
8 x Island
8 x Forest
2 x Halimar Depths, common
Rapid Fire IntroPack

Creatures - 16
1 x Steppe Lynx*, w, common
1 x Fledgling Griffin, 1w, common
1 x Kor Skyfisher*, 1w, common
1 x Ruin Ghost, 1w, uncommon
1 x Kor Firewalker, ww, uncommon
2 x Pilgrim's Eye, 3, common
1 x Goblin roughrider, 2rcommon
1 x Prodigal Pyromancer*, 2r, uncommon
1 x Kor Cartographer*, 3w, common
2 x Cosi's Ravager, 3r, common
1 x Dragon Whelp*, 2rr, uncommon
1 x Grotag Thrasher, 4r, common
1 x Geyser Glider, 3rr, uncommon
1 x Mordant Dragon, 4rr, rare ($1.00)
Other Spells - 7
2 x Searing Blaze, rr, common
1 x Narrow Escape*, 2w, common
1 x Act of Treason*, 2r, uncommon
1 x Magma Rift, 2r, common
1 x Armored Ascencion*, 3w, uncommon
1 x Chain Reaction, 2rr, rare (3.00)
Lands - 18
9 x Plains
7 x Mountain
2 x Teetering Peaks*, common
Brute Force IntroPack

Creatures - 13
1 x Skitter of Lizards, r, common
2 x Gnarlid Pack, 1g, common
1 x Grappler Spider, 1g, common
2 x Boderland Ranger*, 2g, common
1 x Greenweaver Druid*, 2g, uncommon
1 x Goblin Roughrider, 2r, common
1 x Leatherback Baloth, ggg, uncommon
1 x Giant Spider*, 3g, common
1 x Wolfbriar Elemental, 2gg, rare ($3.00)
1 x Deathforge Shaman, 4r, uncommon
1 x Terastodon, 6gg, rare ($1.50)
Other Spells - 10
2 x Giant Growth*, g, common
2 x Lightning Bolt*, r, common
1 x Canopy cover, 1g, uncommon
1 x Act of Treason*, 2r, uncommon
2 x Vastwood Zendikon 4g, common
1 x Rumbling Aftershocks, 4r, uncommon
1 x Overrun*, 2ggg, uncommon
Lands - 18
10 Forest
7 Mountain
1 x Terramorphic Expanse, common
Don't forget to head out this weekend to a Pre-Release for a chance to do some duelling with these IntroPacks!