Happy Monday MTG peeps,
We hope all had a great weekend. Instead of taking in a Friday Night Magic event at OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario, Canada-Land on Friday, we went over to a buddy's house where seven of us started playing at 8 pm and wrapped up close to 3 am. Stellar performance by MTG Realm's very own RetroTech - she kicked but in standard and Modern and took her EDH Team to a draw.
Anywhoos - We wanted to talk about the very popular Magic: the Gathering creature type today - Slivers. There are about 76 Sliver creature cards and one related non-creature artifact (Hivestone). Slivers are creatures that share a hive mind, which allows them to share their abilities with other nearby slivers.
Slivers are depicted with an armored vertebrate body, a long, bifurcated whip-like tail, one arm with a single talon for a hand, and a head with an armored crest. Variations on this appearance exist in accordance with the abilities each has to offer to the hive.
The first slivers shown in the storyline lived in Rath. It's unknown from where they originally came. Volrath is said to have genetically modified them, but to what extent is also unknown. He attempted to create artificial slivers, but these were a poor approximation of the real thing and had no innate abilities to share with the hive.

Sliver is a creature type found in the Tempest, Stronghold, Legions, Scourge, Time Spiral, Planar Chaos and Future Sight sets. Most Slivers have an ability that grants all Slivers the same ability. Exceptions to this rule include Metallic Sliver, Sliver Overlord, Sliver Queen and Venser's Sliver.
Jacob Van Lunen has this lovely Sliver budget deck on the mothersite you may want to try out - linky HERE. We're thinking that we here at MTG Realm did not begin playing until Lorwyn, we might pick up some Slivers at MTG Mint Card and throw together a casual deck ourselves.

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