Happy Monday MTG peeps,
We hope you had a great weekend, and if you had had participated at a local Mirrodin Besieged Game Day, we hope you played the good game. We went out to our local game store, OMG Games in Barrie, Ontario, Canada with a Mirran aligned faction deck and had a great time. The event took place on Sunday which may have resulted in a lower turnout had it been on Saturday but there was still a good 25 participants or so.
Righto - first off, let's get to the video from yesterday ->
Josh from the store describes the prizes to be had, Chris 'the Situation' shows off a green-white token build, and Alex shows off an unconventional kitchen sink build (aka 'junk' deck) he smashed us with in two games . . .
Let's yatter next about what we brought -
Essentially a mono-white Knight deck featuring Knight Exemplar which when the planets align, provides a great game resulting in an early win. Here's the list :
4 x Student of Warfare
3 x Accordian Paladin,
3 x Leonin Skyhunter
3 x Journey to Nowhere
4 x Stoneforge Mystic
4 x Knight Exemplar
3 x Mirran Crusader
3 x Hero of Bladehold
2 x Baneslayer Angel
2 x Elspeth Tirel
2 x Sun Titan
1 x Basilsk Collar
1 x Sword of Vengenance
1 x Sword of Body and Mind
1 x Sword of Feast and Famine
3 x Brave the Elements
2 x Wall of Omens
3 x Revoke Existence
3 x Kor Firewalker
3 x Day of Judgment
1 x Argentum Armor

As for sideboards, we planned against red burn, artifacts, and some spot removal.

How did we do ?
Match One
Lost in three. Samson was playing with a fairly standard Tezzeret build which really smashed face when he used Tezz's -1 ability to animate an artifact into a 5/5 stompy. Our downfall could be attributed directly for not having a full deckset of Revoke Existence.
Match Two
Won in two. Richard was playing an interesting 'Darkwing Duck' build which features a blend of blue / black control and white aggro in the form of Doom Blade, Mana Leak, Stoneforge (with both swords), Jace TMS, etc. What really did well for Richard in our opinion was Inquisition of Kozilek which really messed us up. What won our game was Elspeth tokens.
Match Three
Lost in two. Alex brought to the table a black / white mid-range 'junk' deck which we named 'everything but the kitchen sink'. His build (featured in the video clip) did rather well against the Knight deck and really messed things up with the multiple discard spells he played. It was a nightmare to try a sideboard against.
Match Four
Lost in three. Matt had brought along (?) can't really recall - we
we're certain it was black with several infect cards. We'll have to yatter to him and get the details on his build (which we thought was rather fine).
Lastly, we suggest you check out MTG Mint Card which can provide you a massive 1,600 instant Magic the Gathering collection. They promise no more than 4 of each card all in excellent condition and all suitable to play in extended format.
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