Happy Wednesday to all,
We are somewhat bedazed to come to the realisation that the core set Magic 2011 has already been out for a month and we are now looking at M11 Game Day this weekend. If you are not previously engaged, we suggest you make tracks to your fav local gaming store and participate - human contact would be a good thing for you.
Anywhoos - here's the details you need to know . .
Game Day takes place at participating Wizards Play Network locations worldwide one month after the Magic 2011 release. Game Days are the first opportunity to play Standard format on a global scale with the cards from Magic 2011!

Game Days are happening worldwide on August 14-15! Check out our tournament locator to find an event near you. Contact the organizer of the event for details on event start times and entry fees.
What Happens There?
Game Days are Standard format. The tournament will be Swiss-style, with the top 8 players after the Swiss rounds advancing to the single-elimination finals. In the case of an event with 16 players or less, only the top 4 will advance. Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will be used to determine final order in the standings. In the case of an event with exactly 8 players, there will be three Swiss rounds with no single-elimination cut.

The winner receives the Magic 2011 Game Day winners certificate, as well as the Magic 2011 Champion title. Selected top 8 decks and all Game Day winners will also be featured on magicthegathering.com.
Righty - Next up -
A totally unconfirmed Scars of Mirrodin Rumour !
Anywhoos - We have heard that Leonin Abunas is getting reprinted for Scars of Mirrodin and will feature some sweet new art from that amazing artist Todd Lockwood. This is is piece in question here . . .
EDIT : The art has been confirmed as Leonin Elder.
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