This is the last post covering the Zendikar Intro Packs. Today we will cover off the Mono-White Intro Pack and for your entertainment a brief video on the dissection.For our previous post on the Green-Red (The Adventurers Deck) and the Red-Blue(Pumped Up) Intro Packs, click HERE.
For the previous post on the Mono-Black (Rise of the Vampires) and the Blue-Green (Unstable Terrain) Intro Packs click HERE.
Today, we also have an a video in our last installment, so grab some popcorn and buckle in. Don't forget that each intro pack contains a learn-to-play guide, a Zendikar flavour guide AND one Zendikar Booster Pack.
First - onto the video . . .

* - indicates a reprint from Magic 2010 or another set
Creatures - 13
2 x Kor Skyfisher, 1
1 x Armament Master,
2 x Kor Aeronaut,
2 x Kor Hookmaster, 2
2 x Kor Sanctifiers, 2
2 x Kor Cartographer, 3
1 x Serra Angel*, 3
Other Spells - 10
1 x Explorer's Scope, 1, Common
1 x Trusty Machete, 1, Uncommon
2 x Pacifism*, 1
1 x Narrow Escape, 2
1 x Divine Verdict*, 3
1 x Windborne Charge, 2
1 x Landbind Ritual, 3
1 x Conqueror's Pledge, 2
Lands - 18
16 Plains
2 Kabira Crossroads