Happy Thursday MTG peeps,
A special Thanksgiving greeting to our American cousins south of the border as well - a Happy Turkey to you and yours. The mothersite today / tomorrow is revisiting previously published content as staff are off feasting 'n' feting with friends 'n' family.
Magic: the Gathering - Wooden Deck Boxes
Beautiful Magic the Gathering deck boxes carved by ‘Ales the Woodcarver ’ (aka Ales Janosik, fellow Canadian). Ales is essentially self-taught and started carving in 2010. You can check out his other works here -
~Beautiful Magic the Gathering deck boxes carved by ‘Ales the Woodcarver ’ (aka Ales Janosik, fellow Canadian). Ales is essentially self-taught and started carving in 2010. You can check out his other works here -
Magic: the Gathering - EDH Storage
Franky Richard (@livewithfrank) recently upgraded his card storage solution (the bane of many MTG players). From a variety of boxes, he has now consolidated all his 24 Commander (EDH) decks into the two MTG Holiday Gift Boxes.
~Franky Richard (@livewithfrank) recently upgraded his card storage solution (the bane of many MTG players). From a variety of boxes, he has now consolidated all his 24 Commander (EDH) decks into the two MTG Holiday Gift Boxes.
Magic: the Gathering - Alt Mox
Alternate Moxen with artist proofs from Volken Baga.
The Moxen or Moxes are a collection of powerful gems infused with one of the colors of mana — Mox Pearl for white, Mox Sapphire for blue, Mox Jet for black, Mox Ruby for red, and Mox Emerald for green.
~Alternate Moxen with artist proofs from Volken Baga.
The Moxen or Moxes are a collection of powerful gems infused with one of the colors of mana — Mox Pearl for white, Mox Sapphire for blue, Mox Jet for black, Mox Ruby for red, and Mox Emerald for green.
Magic: the Gathering - Christmas Decorating
Totally approved by Martha Stewart (maybe). You know those oversized Commander Cards you have kicking around - yep, those ones - they’re pretty, they’re foily (real word maybe) - get that shizzle up on your festive Christmas tree.
EDIT - I finally found out who this is from - credit goes to http://plnsfrstmtn.tumblr.com/
~Totally approved by Martha Stewart (maybe). You know those oversized Commander Cards you have kicking around - yep, those ones - they’re pretty, they’re foily (real word maybe) - get that shizzle up on your festive Christmas tree.
EDIT - I finally found out who this is from - credit goes to http://plnsfrstmtn.tumblr.com/
We now have the image and name of the special challenge deck that will be part of the sixth quest on the Hero’s Path will take place at the Magic: The Gathering, Born of the Gods Game Day, March 1–2, 2014.
The first challenge deck, ‘Face the Hydra’, required individual or a team of players to overcome the Hydra by eliminating all of its (ever regrowing) heads before it nom’d you.
We think a similar game of knocking down an ever growing horde of angry Minotaurs will be employed here at the Born of the Gods game day event