Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,
Anywhoos - here's one of those 'sampler' builds featuring Gatecrash's Simic Combine and their new mechanic 'evolve'. We particularly love the mana acceleration possible here with Gyre Sage and Somberwald Sage to drop increasingly larger threats onto the battlefield.
23 Lands : 10 x Forest, 6 x Island, 4 x Hinterland Harbor, 2 x Breeding Pool, 1 x Alchemist's Refuge
30 Creatures : 4 x Arbor Elf, 3 x Experiment One, 3 x Cloudfin Raptor, 3 x Gyre Sage, 2 x Elusive Krasis, 3 x Somberwald Sage, 2 x Drakewing Krasis, 2 x Nimbus Swimmer, 2 x Fathom Mage, 2 x Maste Biomancer, 2 x Prime Speaker Zegana, 1 x Soul of the Harvest, 1 x Worldspine Wurm
7 Other Spells : 3 x Simic Charm, 2 x Simic Keyrune, 2 x Increasing Savagery
Our buddy Marvel Sutantio in Jakarta, Indonesia had some very excellent points regarding strategy and the new Simic 'evolve' mechanic. Here's his solid points . . .
• Having Ajani, Caller of the Pride giving +1/+1 counters to Fathom Mage (and for Zameck Guildmage) can consistently give you a free card draw every turn. Ajani curves extremely well with Fathom Mage too.
• A good evolve deck IMHO doesn't rely on accumulating +1/+1 counters on a specific key creature. Those counters are just tools, a win more card. So cards such as Ooze Flux, Simic Manipulator, Simic Fluxmage aren't useful. I think the deck best work using both green & white's "standard" powerful creatures while giving them those +1/+1 as a win more mechanism.
• Sooo in conclusion, I think the deck should use creatures like Centaur Healer, Loxodon Smiter, Thragtusk, Armada Wurm, to evolve Elusive Krasis (Unblockable finisher), Gyre Sage (Mana booster to cast the bigger guns) & Fathom Mage (card drawer). Plus having Master Biomancer active to boost the big guns to be even bigger. Prime Speaker Zegana is sweet as another card drawer in the deck.
• IMO Simic Charm is probably the only charm worth playing in this kind of deck
• Another thing I've been thinking about is Unleash. Making a UGR deck using Unleash as an initial source of +1/+1 counters then spreading them out can be quite interesting....
• Though it probably won't be as versatile as Scavenge. Filtering / drawing cards using Grisly Salvage then Scavenging Dreg Mangler & Deadbridge Goliath can be quite interesting. Especially with Gyre Sage giving the much needed mana boost to pay for the Scavenge costs. Lotleth Troll can give extra +1/+1 counters too. But the sickest combo in this UBG deck would be Corpsejack Menace + Master Biomancer.
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