
Here are the new coordinates :
No. 3 : 47.784330 Lat, -122.344838 Long
No. 4 : -33.883923 Lat, 151.202688 Long

Yep - You now have the casting cost for Jace, the Mind Sculptor : 2

Fellow MTG blogger MtGColorPie had some interesting news about a Zendikar Scoreboard Lifecounter. Details from Wizards may be found here.

Assembly instructions Wizards had provided . . .

Next, fold the body piece along both score lines in the middle, so that it looks like book covers with a spine.
Then fold each wheel piece over as shown, with the white part on the inside. Push the tab through the hole. Each wheel should look something like the picture directly to the left.

Fold the foot in half on the score line. Then, slide it onto the bottom of the body.
Congratulations! You have just completed assembling the Magic Zendikar Scoreboard Lifecounter.
With this lifecounter, you can track the life of both you and your opponent, and they can read it from their side of the table too!
Also, the foot can be stored between the wheels, allowing the scoreboard to be kept in a standard deckbox.
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