

Worldwake PreRelease Swag

If you went to the Worldwake PreRelease event last weekend, chances were good that you received your very own promo card, Comet Storm - that was very nice BUT were you aware that there was also some other very kewl Magic the Gathering Swag to be had as well ?

This swag we're yattering about was previewed here on MTG Realm on 19th January. This was the very cool 'make - it - yourself' Worldwake deck box and was available in limited pre-release locations. Check it out . . .

And the finished product . . .

Also of interest . . .

Those Worldwake packs you may have cracked open at the Pre-Release - specifically the back of token / rule tips cards . . .

Yep - that is some Rise of the Eldrazi card art. Looks like an Angel not having a pleasant time with a random tentacle . . . perhaps one of those Eldrazi dudes ?


A card promoting the next Duel Decks : Phyrexia vs. the Coalition. This date is fast approaching and we hope to get some spoilers here before the official release next month.

And finally, if you are just catching up with the blog, here are some vital links for you . . .

February 01, 2010 : Worldwake Visual Spoiler

January 28, 2010 : Worldwake FAQ / Rules Primer

January 27, 2010 : Worldwake IntroPack Contents

January 27, 2010 : Worldwake DCI Checklist

January 25, 2010 : Worldwake Tokens

December 16, 2009 : WorldWake Spoiler List

Stay tuned for more daily Magic the Gathering blog posts.

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