

Times of Tarkir

Happy Saturday MTG peeps,

We've spent a good chunk of today going through all the new Magic: the Gathering cards that Dragons of Tarkir has delivered.  One item of no small amusement is how clever Wizards has been with the support of a stable of talented artists in illustrating the changes from the original to the altered timeline quite often hidden as subtle hints or 'Easter Eggs' within the card art.

One rather nice tool to quickly look up Magic: the Gathering cards as we compare timelines is MTG Quick Search, a Google Chrome extension, and we never have to step off the tab we're on to bring up a card image, even when we fudge-up the proper card name.
Anywhoos, continuing on with the incredible comparitive card arts in the funky Tarki timelines, we've got to bring you attention to some great work that Redditor 'raicicle' (in this post) with some help from the community had done to catch all the small nuisances of the time shift on Tarkir.  Please check out that cool timey-wimey post and Imgur ablum and here's a few for you now . . .


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