

DTK Tokens

Happy Monday MTG peeps,

We must admit that over the weekend, we wanted ever so badly to go through all the new Dragons of Tarkir cards with the full reveal on the mothersite on Friday, but sadly did not have a chance.  We were not even able to get out to OMG! Games here in Barrie on Friday for FNM - deplorable we know, but that how it rolled this weekend.

Anywhoos, we won't leave you hanging without a dose of Magic: the Gathering today, so we want to return to an earlier post on the mothersite - Dragons of Tarkir tokens, back last Tuesday, and now that we have all the cards, we'll post 'em all, along with the spell that generates said token as is our custom here on MTG Realm -
1/1 white Warrior creature token, illustrated by Aaron Miller, generated by Secure the Wastes

 2/2 blue Djinn Monk creature token, illustrated by Izzy, as generated by Ojutai's Summons and Skywise Teachings

X/X black Zombie Horror creature token, illustrated by Nils Hamm, generated by Corpseweft

2/2 black Zombie creature token, illustrated by Vincent Procee, generated by Rakshasa Gravecaller and Necromaster Dragon

4/4 red Dragon creature token with flying, illustrated by Gabor Szikszai, generated by Descent of Dragons, Dragon Whisperer, and Sarkhan Unbroken.
1/1 red Goblin creature token (particularly cute 'n' cuddly), illustrated by Mike Bierek, generated by Dragon Fodder.
 And lastly, that Narset Transcendent emblem, both cards illustrated by Magali Villeneuve

That's it for now, we really don't need to go through the morph / manifest overlay reminders with you.

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