

MTG PAX Conspiracy

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

As it is Thursday, it'll be Commander evening at OMG! Games here in Barrie, so if you're in the area, do drop by - they're at the City's north end near Georgian College.  Speaking of OMG! Games, we've yattered with the owners and will be giving away an Ultra PRO Dual Flip Box we did a review on recently during the Friday Night Magic event tomorrow (Friday 17th April, games starting at 7:00 P.M.). 

Next up before we get into today's topic - some more Conspiracy fun.  During the PAX East MTG Panel, there was some frivolity which included an interruption by the mysterious 'King Brago' who directed Mark Purvis (WotC MTG Brand Director and PAX East 2014 MTG Panelist) to reveal a new card type - a colorless 'Conspiracy' card.

Following PAX East, Wizards had posted this video coverage of the MTG Panel relating to Conspiracy.  

Of interest was the artwork for what is undeniably that of the Planeswalker Dack Fayden.  If you do not know, Dack Fayden is the protagonist of the Magic: the Gathering comics (specifically, the 'Spell Thief' series) released by IDW Publishing. In search of greater magical knowledge and on the hunt for the people who destroyed his town, Dack Fayden is the greatest thief in the Multiverse.

At the very end of this video was a QR code, which when used directs us a trail of breadcrumbs through the internet to solve and follow eventually providing a partial spoiler of the new Dack Fayden Planeswalker card as shown below.  It appears we are in for an engaging slow roll reveal.


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