

My Magic Contest

Good Day folks,

We are freshly returned from Toronto and very glad to finally be able to get some sleep - there was none to be had in Toronto - especially on Wednesday night when everyone dumped onto the streets to celebrate Canada's Olympic men's hockey victory over Russia - did not really quiet down until well past midnight - we had a blast however.

Anywhoos - this just up on the MTG radar - The 'My Magic Contest' being run by Wizards of the Coast. This is your chance to get your frozen buttocks down to Puerto Rico and rub shoulders with the best and most notable Magic the Gathering players taking part in Pro Tour - San Juan in May. Here is the corporate skinny from WoTC -

Do you think you have a great Magic: The Gathering story? Wizards of the Coast wants to hear how Magic is part of your life today. Tell us a true story about Magic, and the most creative, unique, and relevant one will win a trip to Pro Tour–San Juan, May 27-30, 2010.

The first-place prize includes travel and accommodations for yourself and a friend. A second-place winner will receive travel and accommodations for him- or herself.

Do you think you have a great Magic: The Gathering story? Wizards of the Coast wants to hear how Magic is part of your life today. Tell us a true story about Magic, and the most creative, unique, and relevant one will win a trip to Pro Tour–San Juan, May 27-30, 2010.

The first-place prize includes travel and accommodations for yourself and a friend. A second-place winner will receive travel and accommodations for him- or herself.

Share your story by emailing by 11:59 p.m. (PST) March 31, 2010. Need inspiration? Try thinking about this:

* What is the most fun you've ever had playing Magic?

* How long have you been playing Magic and what keeps you coming back for more?

* How have you helped your Friday Night Magic community evolve?

* Has Magic: The Gathering changed your life for the better?

* How has Magic affected other parts of your life?

* Where is the most unique place you've played Magic?

Along with your story and signed waiver, please provide your contact information (name, email, phone) and the store where you attend Friday Night Magic.
(FNM location is optional.)

Winners will be notified by April 5, 2010. Entries will be judged on creativity, uniqueness, and relevancy.
Along with your story and signed waiver, please provide your contact information (name, email, phone) and the store where you attend Friday Night Magic.
(FNM location is optional.)

Winners will be notified by April 5, 2010. Entries will be judged on creativity, uniqueness, and relevancy.


And some linkys for you guys as well . . .

My Magic Contest, 25 February 2010 Announcement

Magic: The Gathering® My Magic Contest Official Rules

My Magic Contest Participant Agreement

> Best of luck to those who are going to take a stab at this - we don't get out much and would very much like a break from the ordinary - the Puerto Rico Convention Center looks great - BUT as we are not legal US residents, we are not able to participate and need to find another way to get down there.

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