

Greg Gutfeld

This will be the first and hopefully last 'non-MTG' post here on MTG-Realm - my apologies.

I wish to have a brief opportunity as a Canadian to bend your ear as to the recent Fox News "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" show which aired on or about March 17th. A show segment referred to a March 9th announcement by Canadian Forces Lieutenant-General Andrew Leslie, chief of the land staff, that "Beginning in July of 2011, we will have to explore the possibility of taking a short operational break, that is well organized and synchronized, of at least one year." General Leslie cited shifting demographics, attrition and competition from civilian industry that are draining away a talented pool of soldiers, the general also said damaged equipment will need to be refurbished from the rigours of combat in Afghanistan.

Host Gutfeld mockingly claimed "The Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants." Co-panelist Doug Benson dug the show in deeper by saying: "I didn't even know they were in the war," he said. "I thought that's where you go if you don't want to fight -- you go chill in Canada."

The video was popularized after four Canadians were killed in two separate explosions in the Kandahari hinterlands on Friday. Those deaths brought to 116 the number of Canadian soldiers who have died in Afghanistan since the mission began almost seven years ago. There are about 3,000 Canadian troops in Afghanistan, of which about one-third are members of the fighting force. Canada has suffered the largest number of deaths on a per capita basis among the 40 nations contributing forces in the conflict.

I realise that Greg Gutfield does not represent the views of most intelligent Americans so I shall deliver this message to him, the Red Eye show and the Fox News executives . . . Deliver Greg Gutfeld to us or we will shut off the supply of maple syrup to your country.

Some fast facts . . .

24 Canadians died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks

Canada - Approximately 65,000 active personnel
116 casualities in Afghanistan (0.17 %)

U.S. - Approximately 1,444,553 active personnel
640 casualities in Afghanistan (0.04 %)

To Greg Gutfeld . . .

Scorn and defiance;
slight regard, contempt,

And any thing that may not misbecome

The mighty sender, doth he prize you at.


  1. I don't comment often on peoples' blogs but I felt compelled to do so in that instance.

    I'm American. I live in Washington state. Please believe me that the vast majority of folks from the US are NOT tools like these two guys.

    I personally am grateful for the steadfast friendship that Canada has shown the US for many generations now.

  2. Sign the petition calling for Greg Gutfeld to resign from FOX News!

  3. As a fellow Canadian I don't care for the comments that Greg made. That being said, I agree that most Americans don't feel that way towards Canadians.
