

MTG Big Changes

Happy Monday MTG peeps,
The world is changed. I taste it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost; for none now live who remember it. 

Well not quite, but big change is on the horizon.  Should you have popped over here before hitting up the mothersite, we are suggesting you would be best served in reading Mark Rosewater's article 'Metamorphosis' first (linked here).  The changes announced in the article is a portent of things to come which Magic: the Gathering players will have a lengthy discourse on.

The summary as MaRo organised into easy points for us to absorb are as follows -

Change #1
The Fall, Winter, and Spring Sets Will All Be Large Sets That Are Drafted Alone

Change #2
The Summer Set Will Be a Revamped Core Set

Change #3
A Different Approach to the Gatewatch

Change #4
The Masterpieces Series Will Revert to Being in Fewer Sets

Change #5
We're Changing Things Behind the Scenes


Our Opinions 

As Wizards of the Coast MTG Rules Miser Matt Tabak indicated, the only constant (in the Multiverse) is Change, and we are fine with this.  

Four large sets per year, with no more small sets - No reservations here.

Consecutive large sets may or may not be focused on the same Multiverse Plane - From 1 to 3 different settings.  Gives us more time to soak in the storyline, and perhaps our refinement on how we employ those mechanics.

Revamped Core Set, with up to one-half of this new cards - We were never a big fan of core sets, but are certainly not adverse to them.  In the last few core sets, we were in fact rather happy with not only the cards but some of the associated spot-light stories.

Masterpiece Series - Too much of a good thing, like always skipping to desert, diminishes your appreciation of it.  The Kaladesh Masterpiece series was a good thing.  We think we could have skipped Return to Zendikar and Amonkhet.  

Gatewatch no longer on first string - Bench time is OK.  We've grown a bit weary of Team Gatewatch, but that is not to say we never want to get hooked in again at a later date.

The Behind the Scenes mention - great as this will create a second objective look (with hopefully no emotional investment) at newly developed cards and trouble-shoot for potential issues were it release that card into the wild.


We don't really have much else to add other than we think the inviduals at Wizards of the Coast who determine code-words for future sets must be getting the old brown-bag let-down lunch as they are too much focused on food . . .

• Ham and Eggs

• Soup and Salad

• Spaghetti and Meatballs

• Milk and Cookies ( Milk and Core-kies ? )


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