

Hour of Devastation Art Dump

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

That was an incredible volume of information Magic: the Gathering fans received so far this week.  More for our reference, but also yours, here is the table for all of the announced upcoming products from Wizards of the Coast.  Hour of Devastation, Commander, Ixalan, Merfolk-Goblins duel decks, Iconic Masters, Explorers of Ixalan, From the Vault Transform, Unstable (the next 'Un'-set!), Rivals of Ixalan one-off product, Masters 25, Dominaria, and the return of Core sets in 2019.

Anywhoos, as the post title indicates, we have a number of Hour of Devastation art pieces we've found over at the 'Art of MTG' site linked here.  These look amazing and we cannot wait until we get Magic Story on these and cards.  We hope to return to this post to provide artist credit when we learn that information.

The summary here - a world-ending cataclysmic event prefaced by the arrival of the Elder Dragon Nicol Bolas, a plague of locusts, and the physical embodiment of a nightmare in the form of a Locust-god.  We have not idea as to the magic blue-ball sphere on a spear, but mygawd, it looks very cool.  Lastly, that plague / locust god also brought along some Zombie / Mummy friends, so there is pretty-near a 100% chance of seeing more zombies in the next set.


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