

DD Mind vs Might Decklists

Happy Monday MTG peeps,

We should bring to your attention that the full Duel Decks: Mind vs Might decklists were released today over on the Wizards of the Coast website.  Magic: the Gathering fans had been speculating for a few weeks now what goodies may be in this product releasing at the end of the month. 

These pre-constructed theme decks have been rleased on a regular basis each year, and have been developed specifically to be played against eachother.  In recent years, Duel Decks had been connected to the themes of the large fall sets and contain some early preview cards.  This does not appear the case for this product as there is only reprints.  What we do have to look forward to are reprints that some gamers have been looking to acquire including some new art.  Here they are now -

• Lovisa Coldeyes
• Zo-Zu the Punisher
• Gutterual Response
• Jhoira of the Ghitu
• The Unspeakable
• Desperate Ritual

From a review of the decklists, it looks like we have 10 rares, and 1 mythic rare in each deck, including supporting uncommons and commons.  Without having played these yet, we imagine that the 'Mind' list may run a risk of getting run over early game, but promises to stabilize and deliver a solid later game.  Here is the info you may need to know -

Duel Decks let players dive right into battle with ready-to-play, sixty-card decks that contain powerful cards united by a theme.

Will calculated schemes of the mind outwit and prevail? Or will the pure, bold power of might triumph?

Participants play with a random Duel Deck at the beginning of each round and then see which faction wins at the end of the tournament.

2 Ready-to-play, 60-card decks
2 Deck boxes
10 creature tokens
2 Spindown life counters
Strategy insert
Rules reference card

Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might
Release Date: March 31, 2017
Official Three-Letter Code: DDS
Twitter Hashtag: #MTGMVM
Languages Available: English, Japanese

MSRP: $24.99 *Applies to U.S. Only

Zo-Zu the Punisher illustrated by Wayne Reynolds

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