

Aether Revolt Spoilers 1-04

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

As it is Wednesday, be sure to pop on over to the mothersite to take in today's store 'BURN', penned by Chris L'Etoile - linked over here and features that malicious character Baral, who figures prominently in the story of the Nalaar family (Kiran, Pia and Chandra).

There are a good number of new Ather Revolt cards being previewed today.  We should also mention that we now have another full cycle, along with the 'Expertise' cycle - the 'Implements'.

For now, here is a rough round-up of the 80 (of 184) cards previewed or spoiled so far.

02 - Aeronaut Admiral U
04 - Aethergeode Miner R
09 - Call for Unity R
11 - Consulate Crackdown R
13 - Countless Gears Renegade C
16 - Decommission C
23 - Sram, Senior Edificer R
24 - Sram's Expertise R

27 - Aethertide Whale R
28 - Baral, Chief of Compliance R
29 - Baral's Expertise R
31 - Disallow R
38 - Mechanized Production M
41 - Quicksmith Spy R
42 - Reverse Engineer U
45 - Shipwreck Moray C
46 - Skyship Bandit U
48 - Trophy Mage U
49 - Whir of Invention R

53 - Battle at the Bridge R
57 - Fatal Push U
62 - Glint-Sleeve Siphoner R
67 - Night Market Aeronaut C
71 - Secret Salvage R
73 - Aetherborn Warrior U
74 - Yahenni, Undying Partisan R
75 - Yahenni's Expertise R

81 - Freejam Regent R
84 - Hungry Flames U
85 - Indomitable Creativity M
90 - Lightning Runner M
91 - Pia's Revolution R
93 - Quicksmith Rebel R
96 - Release the Gremlins R
98 - Shock C
99 - Siege Modification U
100 - Sweatworks Brawler C

104 - Aetherwind Basker M
105 - Aid from the Cowl R
106 - Druid of the Cowl C
107 - Greenbelt Rampager R
108 - Greenwheel Liberator R
122 - Rishkar, Peema Renegade R
123 - Rishkar's Expertise R
125 - Silkweaver Elite C

127 - Ajani Unyielding M
128 - Dark Intimations R
130 - Oath of Ajani R
132 - Outland Boar U
133 - Renegade Rallier U
135 - Rogue Refiner U
137 - Tezzeret the Schemer M
138 - Tezzeret's Touch U
139 - Weldfast Engineer U
140 - Winding Constrictor U

141 - Aegis Automaton C
146 - Consolate Dreadnought U
151 - Foundry Assembler C
152 - Gonti's Aether Heart M
153 - Heart of Kiran M
155 - Implement of Combustion C
156 - Implement of Examination C
157 - Implement of Ferocity C
158 - Implement of Improvement C
159 - Implement of Malice C
160 - Inspiring Sanctuary R
163 - Merchant's Dockhand R
164 - Metalic Mimic R
167 - Ornithopter U
168 - Pacification Array U
169 - Paradox Engine R
170 - Peacewalker Colossus R
171 - Planar Bridge M
173 - Renegade Map C
175 - Scrap Trawler R
179 - Untethered Express U
181 - Walking Ballista R

184 - Spire of Industry R

Kaladesh Inventions Part 2
31 Arcbound Ravager
32 Black Vise
33 Chalice of the Void
34 Defense Grid
35 Duplicant
36 Engineered Explosives
37 Ensnaring Bridge
38 Extraplanar Lens
39 Grindstone
40 Meekstone
41 Oblivion Stone
42 Ornithopter
43 Paradox Engine
44 Pithing Needle
45 Planar Bridge
46 Platinum Angel
47 Sphere of Resistance
48 Staff of Domination
49 Sundering Titan
50 Sword of Body and Mind
51 Sword of War and Peace
52 Trinisphere
53 Vedalken Shackles

54 Wurmcoil Engine

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