

Aether Revolt Bundle UnBox

Happy Friday MTG peeps,

It is finally the Aether Revolt Launch weekend!  This means that when we pop down to our local gaming store, OMG Games, here in Barrie, Ontario this evening to play in the regular Friday Night Magic event, we will score the Aether Revolt Launch Promo, Quick Smith Rebel.

We already did pop in to our store earlier to pick up an Aether Revolt Bundle as is our longstanding custom.  Formerly known as a 'Fat Pack', this box contains the following :
• 10 Aether Revolt booster packs
• 1 Card box
• 1 Player's Guide
• 80 Basic land cards
• 1 Magic learn-to-play guide
• 1 Spindown life counter

Here is our short unboxing video -
Here are our pulls -
Rares / Mythic Rare
• Sram, Senior Edificer ~ $2
• Planar Bridge ~ $8
• Pia’s Revolution ~ $2
• Greenbelt Rampager ~ $4
• Glint-Sleeve Siphoner ~ $3
• Merchant’s Dockhand ~ $2
• Rishkar’s Expertise ~ $3
• Solemn Recruit ~ $2
• Disallow ~ $6
• Consulate Crackdown ~ $2

• Fatal Push ~ $6 

With the average retail price at about $35 (US), the value of the rares / mythic rare along with the single Fatal Push was certainly adequate to 'pay for itself'.  We have been collecting the Player's Guide / visual card encyclopedia for a number of years and also rely upon the card storage box itself to organise our growing collection.  


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