

Oath of the Gatewatch Promos

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

Short post again today for Magic: the Gathering fans as we are getting hyped to (finally!) see Star Wars tomorrow.  Speaking of hype, we're also over the moon with the second Dead Pool trailer and have a long haul ahead of us when Doctor Strange (headlining our fav actor Bumblesnerf Crimplebund) hits the theater in Novemer 2016.

Anywhoos, on to today's MTG news - Oath of the Gatewatch promo cards have been put up on the mothersite (linky here) - kewl beans and yes, we will want to will that awesome looking Game Day winner playmat.  Lets' have a look now -  

Buy-a-Box Promo - Goblin Dark-Dwellers

 Release Day Promo /  Jan. 16-17, 2016 - Endbringer

Game Day Participation Promo / Feb. 13-14, 2016
- Immolating Glare

Game Day Top 8 Promo - Jori En, Ruin Diver

Game Day Champion Playmat - hnnng !

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