

MTG Halloween

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

Halloween is quickly approaching, and is this very weekend.  In preparation, we've got our three kids employed in installing the appropriate decorations and have some nicely-carved pumpkins at the front door.  Other time-honoured customs are also being addressed ahead of the 31st, like watching a bunch of thriller / horror movies, etc.  The kids are not easily scared by this - but - what does scare the dickens out of them are vegetables when they appear on the dinner table.  Imagine then if one were to anthropomorphize said vegetable - you would take the scare to another level.  But wait!  That's already been done by Wizards of the Coast.  The follow-up set to Unglued, which was to feature a number of frightful vegetable never got made, but we still have some remnants to enjoy - 

Gangrene Pepper | illustrated by Edward Beard Jr.
Mad Beatdown | illustrated by Mike Raabe
Swarm of Pickles | illustrated by Ron Spencer

Rutabaga of the Night | illustrated by Heather Hudson

Signing off for now to work out costumes.  Speaking of signing off, another tradition up here is the unfortunate, but witty vandalism of the 'welcome to Angus' sign (not far removed from here in Barrie, Ontario), on 'Devil's Night', where a strategic letter is removed.

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