

Tumblr Tuesday

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

We hope all had a great weekend, and to our cousins to the south, a pleasant memorial day weekend.  The big ticket event this weekend was of course Modern Masters 2015 release.  If you took in a local event or played in one of the large grand prix events, chances are much fun was had.

Anywhoos, for today's post, we wanted to catch up with our sister site, MTG Realm on Tumblr, so strap in and let's go -
Photoset May 26, 2015 72 notes

Magic: the Gathering - Ugin Cosplay
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon cosplay at Anime North 2015.

Absolutely wonderful work by Cat Ward - moar pics here.
Photoset May 23, 2015 243 notes

Magic: the Gathering - SCG Playmat

Most MTG players already know that popular (and much meme’d) card and card art Tasigur, the Golden Fang illustrated by Chris Rahn.  What you may not know is that StarCityGames has another witty playmat which parodies that former Sultai Khan.  Check out the awesome kitteh illustration from ALRadeck for the StarCityGames Open Series.  Say meow to Tasipurr the Golden Paw which I’ve understood is to be available during SCG Season Three to event participants.
Photoset May 23, 2015 52 notes

Magic: the Gathering - CF Ranked
The Power Rankings on Channel Fireball has always been a fairly accurate representation of what is on the tables at my local Friday Night Magic event.

Interesting comments on Den Protector which I think is spot on.  Not to gush here but I liked the card when it first came out and picked these up when it was going for under $2.  Now these fetch around the $10 mark.   : )
Photoset May 20, 2015 242 notes

Magic: the Gathering - Jewels
Wizards of the Coast produced these very limited (non-precious) pendants back in 2007 after the iconic Moxes (or moxen) and called it the Jewels Series which consisted of one boxed set of the following -
* Mox Jet Necklace
* Mox Pearl Necklace
* Mox Ruby Necklace
* Mox Emerald Necklace
* Mox Sapphire Necklace

If you have this complete still-in-the-box set, collecting dust on your shelf, you can sell it for approximately $600+ today.
Photoset May 16, 2015 131 notes

Magic: the Gathering - Cardboard Clad

This is Jose Raul Megias Iglesias.

He is the big cheese at gaming store El bazar de Iglesias in Granada, Spain.

He literally breathes, sweats, and wears MTG cards (and duel decks!) and is most relaxed in direct contact with them.  

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