

DTK Fat Pack

Happy Friday MTG peeps,
The day is finally here!  Dragons of Tarkir official launch - tonight at a games store near you, this new Magic: the Gathering set will now be official to play and whatever format your FNM may be tonight, we're certain that there will be a ton of fun.  We'll be going to our fav store, OMG! Games, here in Barrie, Ontario to play, and although we've only incorporated about a dozen new Dragons of Tarkir cards into our existing standard decks, we have a feeling that these will be feeling like completely new decks.

Anywhoos, as is our custom here at MTG Realm, we've popped down to the card shop at midnight to join a small crowd to pick up a Fat Pack as well as some new cards.  By the time we kick outta work and head into FNM, the store is typically packed, and like sea gulls, customers have cleared out most of the top cuts until the store restocks the next week.  Here's our Dragons of Tarkir unboxing video, which praise be the gods, contained the Planeswalker Narset, a card we've be salivating about for some time.

FAT PACK Contents :

• 9 x 15-card booster packs
• Card storage box
• Player’s guide / visual encyclo
• 80-card basic land pack
• 1 learn-to-play insert
• 1 spindown life counter
• 2 deck boxes

Fat Pack Pulls
Narset Transcendent
• Harbinger of the Hunt (foil)
* Ojutai Exemplars
• Ojutai Command
• Clone Legion
• Foul Renewal
• Profound Journey
• Volcanic Vision
• Avatar of the Resolute


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