

Mothersite Redesign

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

Here in Central Ontario, Canada-Land, meteorological conditions are lending itself very effectively to create this season's Snowpocalypse.  We were planning to yatter a bit of lore about the Dominarian Ice Age (Ice Age / Alliances / Cold Snap and some of the recent singles we picked up from MTG Mint Card from this block) which we thought were apropos to the weather at the moment but thought it better to discuss the latest redesign of the Wizards of the Coast's Magic: the Gathering website which we affectionately refer to as the 'mothersite' here on MTG Realm.  Before we get into it, let's have a look at the evolution to date . . .

2001 - if you remember this, you likely have mixed feelings of nostalgia and hate for this early webpage.

2002 - Biggest change was the addition of the seach box on the top of the front page as well as the link to the MTG message boards.

2003 - More graphics, more links, more content - starting to get a bit 'cluttered' now.

2008 - The biggest / most stark change in our opinion.  We loved this layout the moment we saw it!

2013 / 2014
That rather weird time when the webpage was straddling both old and new domain.  A litany of issues and problems encountered with the new site for a while until finally fixed in June 2014 with content being posted to both.  

Fast forward to today - again some large changes from yesterday's site.  We suggest you pop on over and read TJ's article over on the mothersite here.  We are absolutely loving the verticle menu drop-downs - the previous horizontal iteration simply sucked.  We have yet to test drive the improved search function.  On the forums, the comments are not as positive as ours.

What do you think about the new design ?

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