

Commander 2014 New Arts

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

Magic: the Gathering players love getting new cards and here at MTG Realm, we had ordered a bunch of Commander 2014 singles from MTG Mint Card even though we actually owned a one or two of the reprints.  Why? - because we also love getting updated card illustrations.  You may recall from previous posts that we'll sometimes play a card with an epic art even though the spell itself might be janky.  Well all the Commander 2014 cards granted new illustrations are far from janky and they all have absolutely lovely art.  Here's the breakdown with some images borrowed from 'Original Magic Art', who has a great poll to register your personal proclivity for the classic art or new hotness.

Urza's Saga - illustrated by Henry G. Higgenbotham
Mirrodin - illustrated by Eric Peterson
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Izzy


Diamond Cycle
Charcoal Diamond
Classic Sixth / Seventh Edition - illustrated by David Martin
Mirage - illustrated by Drew Tucker
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Lindsey Look

Fire Diamond
Classic Sixth / Mirage - illustrated by Richard Thomas
Seventh Edition - illustrated by David Martin
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Lindsey Look

Marble Diamond
Classic Sixth / Mirage - illustrated by Jeff Miracola
Seventh Edition / DD: Divine vs. Demonic - illustrated by David Martin
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Lindsey Look

Moss Diamond
Classic Sixth / Mirage - illustrated by Donato Giancola
Seventh Edition - illustrated by David Martin
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Lindsey Look

Sky Diamond
Classic Sixth / Mirage - illustrated by D. Alexander Gregory
Seventh Edition - illustrated by Tony Szczudlo
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Lindsey Look


Desert Twister (Vintage Masters print)
Revised, Fourth, Fifth, Arabian Nights,  - illustrated Susan Van Camp
Mercadian Masques - illustrated by Kevin Murphy
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Noah Bradley


Invasion - illustrated by Mark Romanoski
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Greg Staples


Forgotten Cave (Vintage Masters print)
Onslaught, MTG Commander, DD: Elves vs. Goblins, DD: Izzet vs. Golgari, Commander 2013 - illustrated by Tony Szczudlo
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Noah Bradley


Medallion Cycle
(Emerald Medallion, Jet Medallion, Pearl Medallion, Ruby Medallion, Saphire Medallion)
Tempest arts - illustrated by Sue Ellen Brown
Commander 2014 arts - illustrated by Daniel Ljunggren


Sacred Mesa
Mirage, Time Spiral - illustrated by Luca Zontini
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Robbie Trevino


Darksteel, MTG Commander, FTV: Exiled  - illustrated by Robbie Trevino
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Daniel Ljunggren

Sylvan Safekeeper
Judgement - illustrated by Pete Venters
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Magali Villeneuve


Tornado Elemental
Fifth Dawn, Planechase - illustrated by Alex Horley-Orlandelli
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Richard Wright


Onslaught, DD:Elves vs. Goblins - illustrated by Christopher Rush
Commander 2014 - illustrated by Karl Kopinski


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