

The Plane of Fiora

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

For today's post, we want to settle in and do a bit of exploration of Magic: the Gathering's newly revealed Plane of Fiora.  We here at MTG Realm love the flavorful storyline of each new block just as much as the individual cards which populate each set within that block.  In this game, a thematic storyline is presented against the backdrop of the Multiverse which is composed of an almost infinite number of different Planes of existence.  Each Plane is a succint individual world or limited number of worlds each potentially occupied by a civilization or populace, a terrain, and just about anything else one could expect the Wizards of the Coast team to create in a world-building exercise.

Paliano, the High City, illustrated by Adam Paquette

The most recent revelation of the Plane of Fiora is today's topic.  This is the environment in which the soon to be released set of Conspiracy is to take place.  From a number of articles the Magic Creative Team has published or hints within the cards previewed so far (here, here and here), we can get a sense of the environment created here.  From the Magic: the Gathering comic book stories provided by IDW Publishing we learn that Fiora is the birthplace of the Planeswalker Dack Fayden (art here illustrated by Eric Deschamps)

Marchesa's Infiltrator, illustrated by Lucas Graciano

The card art so far revealed shows a world whose buildings and fashion which appears to be similar to that of the Italian Renaissance. We are really liking the arts so far and want to have just about every card from MTG Mint Card if we can.  Furthermore, we now have an idea of some of the more important geographical or points of interest on this plane - namely;

• The High City of Paliano
• The Lowlands, the Lower City of Paliano
• The Corru River which flows through the Lower City
• Talon, a neighbouring settlement
• Drakeston, now a ghost town
Here's some text from the mothersite to help color in this world -
Far from Theros, on the plane of Fiora, the High City of Paliano is home to countless intrigues and plots. The high lords of the city vie for supremacy. Move is met with countermove, and trust with betrayal, all under the auspices of the immortal King Eternal. But the king was a living man, once, and a friend to the elf explorer Selvala... 
Marchesa, the Black Rose, illustrated by Matt Stewart

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