

Journey into Nyx PreRelease

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

In this post we wanted to cover off our adventures in last weekend's Journey into Nyx PreRelease event at OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario.  It sort of all really started during Friday Night Magic when with just a few short hours away to the midnight event (we did not go), Magic: the Gathering players were yattering about some incredible rumours of Journey into Nyx 'god' packs being opened at PreRelease events in earlier time zones.  With several images being posted of players pulling all 15 gods from a pack, we were cautiously optimistic thinking Wizards of the Coast had yet again re-created another 'Zendikar Priceless Treasures' promotion.  In fact they did as they had claimed in this post to the motersite for which we say 'well done Wotc!'.

As for our Journey into Nyx Pre-Release we attended on Saturday, everyone's choices for PreRelease packs were as follows :

Forged in Glory / White - Dawnbringer Charioteers
Forged in Intellect / Blue - Scourge of Fleets
Forged in Tyranny / Black - Doomwake Giant
Forged in War / Red - Spawn of Thraxes
Forged in Pursuit / Green - Heroes' Bane
• 2 Journey into Nyx packs
• 1 Born of the Gods packs
• 2 Theros booster packs
• 1 seeded booster pack
• 1 promo card
• 1 activity card
• 1 life counter
• 1 welcome letter
• 1 Hero Card

Here's a short 'n' sweet video from OMG! Games -
We went with White (as did a large percentage of players) - here are our pulls -

• Dawnbringer Charioteers (Seeded Pack)
• Aegis of the Gods (Seeded Pack)
• Hydra Broodmaster (JOU Pack)
• Eidolon of Blossoms (JOU Pack)
• Fated Retribution (BNG Pack)
• Gift of Immortality (THS Pack)
• Arbor Colossus (THS Pack)

We did manage 2 wins and 2 loss which brought us just short of some prize packs unfortunately, but we're happy with our games and very happy to get our paws on some of the new cards.  We're popping over to MTG Mint Card to pick up additional Journey into Nyx cards which we were not able to pull just yet.

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