

PAX East Ahoy

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

Since we first talked about about the Magic 2015 official announcement and spoilers / previews with the tweaked Magic: the Gathering card design (article here), we've had a renewed interest for that green Planeswalker Garruk (his art was featured on the announcement).  So much so, we've even picked up a few Garruk PW variants we did not yet have from MTG Mint Card.  

Suffice to say, we were excited to see that the Wizards of the Coast MTG pin for PAX East is none other than Garruk himself.  As there was a Chandra theme to last year's convention, we may be able to expect the same sort of thing with Garruk this year.

If you are new to the convention circuit, PAX East is a three-day game festival for tabletop, videogame, and PC gamers. Taking place April 11-13 in Boston, PAX East hosts dedicated tournaments and freeplay areas as well as nerdcore concerts, panel discussions, and an exhibitor hall filled with booths displaying the latest from top game publishers and developers.

The highlight of PAX East for Magic: the Gathering gamers, both digital and analog will most certainly be the MTG Panel.  Here's the official blurb from the PAX East website:

Saturday 12th April, 2014 - 1:30 pm

Magic: The Gathering Panel

Gods, heroes and monsters! What challenges will Planeswalker Elspeth Tirel face next? Learn more about this Hero’s Path as we Journey Into Nyx in the third set of the Theros block. Do you have what it takes to complete the Hero’s Path? Come by the Magic: The Gathering panel to get a glimpse of the Journey Into Nyx, get the inside track on the Prerelease and talk to some of the key R&D and Program leaders from Wizards of the Coast.

Panelists: Mark Purvis [Brand Director, Wizards of the Coast]

Most definitely excited to get the latest from this panel.  Unfortunately, with about two weeks left before the start of PAX East, there is not a good chance to get a hold of any badge / passes as they've been sold out for some time.  There is still a chance you could pick one up from individual sellers but expect to pay good coin for it.

Stay tuned to MTG Realm as we report any and all MTG news coming out of PAX East.

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