

Tumblr Thursday

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

A special Thanksgiving greeting to our American cousins south of the border as well - a Happy Turkey to you and yours.  The mothersite today / tomorrow is revisiting previously published content as staff are off feasting 'n' feting with friends 'n' family.  

As it is Thursday, we thought it an opportune time to catch up with our sister site, MTG Realm on Tumblr, which has been very busy delivering a miscellany of Magic: the Gathering items of interest.  Our Tumblr site has over 3,100 followers and post on average a few times daily.  Anywhoos - onto the latest from them . . .

Magic: the Gathering - Wooden Deck Boxes
Beautiful Magic the Gathering deck boxes carved by ‘Ales the Woodcarver ’ (aka Ales Janosik, fellow Canadian).  Ales is essentially self-taught and started carving in 2010.  You can check out his other works here -
Magic: the Gathering - EDH Storage
Franky Richard (@livewithfrank) recently upgraded his card storage solution (the bane of many MTG players).  From a variety of boxes, he has now consolidated all his 24 Commander (EDH) decks into the two MTG Holiday Gift Boxes.
Magic: the Gathering - Alt Mox
Alternate Moxen with artist proofs from Volken Baga.
The Moxen or Moxes are a collection of powerful gems infused with one of the colors of mana — Mox Pearl for white, Mox Sapphire for blue, Mox Jet for black, Mox Ruby for red, and Mox Emerald for green.
Magic: the Gathering - Christmas Decorating
Totally approved by Martha Stewart (maybe).  You know those oversized Commander Cards you have kicking around - yep, those ones - they’re pretty, they’re foily (real word maybe) - get that shizzle up on your festive Christmas tree.
EDIT - I finally found out who this is from - credit goes to
Magic: the Gathering - Born of the Gods

We now have the image and name of the special challenge deck that will be part of the sixth quest on the Hero’s Path will take place at the Magic: The Gathering, Born of the Gods Game Day, March 1–2, 2014.

The first challenge deck, ‘Face the Hydra’, required individual or a team of players to overcome the Hydra by eliminating all of its (ever regrowing) heads before it nom’d you. 

We think a similar game of knocking down an ever growing horde of angry Minotaurs will be employed here at the Born of the Gods game day event


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