

Standard Slivers

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

If you've been reading our posts to the MTG Realm blog over the last five years, then you know we are all about playing 'non-standard' standard constructed.  We love to brew up fun Magic: the Gathering builds which would likely never see any play on the Pro Tour circuit.  To this end, we had a match a few weeks ago at a Friday Night Magic event at OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario with a gamer who had a Slivers deck.  Although we were running a fairly robust G/W Aggro strategy, we had our butt handed to us and we realised just how fun standard constructed Slivers could be - especially post-Theros Sliver.  We picked up a few very reasonably costed singles at MTG Mint Card and made this fun thing - Let's have a look.
Bow of Nylea has FIVE different abilities tacked onto this legendary enchantment artifact - a solid utility.  The one ability which interests us most was the effect of giving deathtouch to all your attacking creatures.  Thorncaster Sliver gives all your attacking Slivers an upgrade pinging 1 damage to target creature or player.  Yep - that's one damage of deathtouch which means you now have the ability to wipe the board of any defenders your opponents may have as soon as you declare attackers and have the possibility of swinging on in.
We were going for a red / green build and decided to go whole hog in with all five colours (which may be rather difficult in today's standard).  Our tech is to get Elvish Mystic dropped on turn one followed up with Manaweft Sliver on turn two which allows any of your Slivers to tap for any colour mana.

Since a big part of the deck is the deathtouch with Bow of Nylea, we've invited the one-drop Striking Sliver - because having an attacking first strike creature with deathtouch is simply sweet.  As we wanted all five colours, we also have Galerider Sliver giving all our Slivers flying.
The other two-drop is Predatory Sliver giving your Sliver dudes a +1/+1 pump.  Other three cmc critters are Blur Sliver which is rather important as the Slivers now have haste - and can potentially tap for mana after Manaweft is out.  Hive Stirrings produces a few blockers if needed and Syphon Sliver provides lifelink which is rather handy against more aggressive match-ups.
Rounding your stack 'o' sixty out is Megantic Sliver which can pump your Sliver army up another +3/+3.  To get all these threats into your hand is Garruk, Caller of Beasts.  We are more interested in his +1 ability to float any creatures off the top five of our deck into our hand.

All in all it doesn't look that bad and most certainly looks like it will deliver a truckload of fun.  Have you tried something similar or played against something similar - drop us a line below.


  1. I'd hate to be siting across the table from this deck! What land cards are you using with this deck?

  2. Did you guys go with shocklands or what?

  3. We used a mostly gree / red base with the shocks and even some temples.
