

GP Vegas

Happy Friday MTG peeps,

As it is Friday, look for us at OMG! Games here in Barrie this evening to take in a Friday Night Magic event.  This month's FNM promo is a very lovely looking foil Izzet Charm with art from Zoltan Boros.  Speaking of promos, OMG! Games will be giving away to one lucky FNM player a chance to win a booster box of the latest Magic: the Gathering expansion set, Dragon's Maze, so be sure to hang around until the start of the third match for this sweet random draw.
Images from @Gaming_Pit, @HipstersoftheCoast, ‏@RevEnFuego and ‏@MagicJudges.
Anywhoos, the big MTG news this weekend is of course Grand Prix Las Vegas.  GP Vegas 
format is Modern Masters sealed deck / booster draft and is being organized by Cascade Games.  What caught some gamers off guard in the announcement yesterday about capping the registration at approximately 4,500 players.  

This means that unless you have already registered, you're chances of getting into the GP are slim to none, and Slim just left town.  Right now at the Cashman Center in Lost Wages, players are in line ups around the block to to get into the Friday Events.  For the Main event on Saturday / Sunday, be sure to catch the latest on Twitch TV as well as post to the mothersite.

We'll sign off right now with some pretty amazing GP Vegas facts 'n' details from Nocturnal Nightingale
If all 4500 players show up, GP: Vegas will become the largest Magic tournament of all time, beating GP: Charlotte’s record by nearly 2000 players.  If they had not capped the event, at the previous rate of sign-ups, around 7000 players would have preregistered by Saturday morning.

• Around 70,000 packs will be given out total as prize and product.
• That number, plus basic lands, means that roughly 1.4 million cards will be given out.
• If you laid those cards end to end they would be 78 miles long.
• If you laid those cards out they would cover 1 1/2 standard football fields.
• That number is over half the original print run of Alpha.
• Assuming perfect math and foil/mythic distribution, 16 foil Tarmogoyfs will be opened. Somewhere around 400 regular Goyfs will be opened.
• One third of all L3 judges in the world will be there.
• One third of all L4 judges in the world will be there.
• Half of the L5 judges in the world will be there.
• Every single L2 in the southwestern US is on staff, roughly 40% of all judges L2 and up in the US.
• The event was capped at 4500 players.


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