Happy Friday MTG peeps,
We have a sad today - due to another commitment we can't get out tonight for Friday Night Magic - yeah - we know - Gatecrash if officially released today. Those attending the official launch will score a alt-art foil Skrrag Goliath just for attending - so get out if you can tonight. We might have a chance to get a few virtual packs ripped via a fellow Canadian's site - Cam at Copper Dog in place of regular card-slinging.
Anywhoos - onto today's post - Gatecrash Guild Packs. If you were not aware, there were 8 different Guild Packs for each Guild in last weekend's prerelease event. Tonda and many others over on the forums collected all the data and input from the Magic: the Gathering community and were able to distill down the following lists. Why should you care ? Well, in case your LGS has a few extra left over to sell or provide as prizes, here's the list which may give you a leg up . . .
ORZHOV - Treasury Thrull / Orzhov Guildgate
PACK 1 : Obzedat, Ghost Council, Vizkopa Guildmage, Righteous Charge, Dying Wish, Executioner's Swing, Purge the Profane, Court Street Denizen, Knight Watch, Devour Flesh, Shadow Alley Denizen, Basilica Screecher, Gutter Skulk, Basilica Guards, Razortip Whip
PACK 2 : Alms Beast. Gift of Orzhova, Thrull Parasite, Debtor's Pulpit, Assault Griffin, Prophetic Prism, Shadow Alley Denizen, Dutiful Thrull, Purge the Profane, Court Street Denizen, Devour Flesh, Beckon Apparition, Syndicate Enforcer, Zarichi Tiger
PACK 3 : High Priest of Penance, Vizkopa Confessor, Smog Elemental, Righteous Charge, Kingpin's Pet, Syndic of Tithes, Angelic Edict, Devour Flesh, Grisly Spectacle, Slate Street Ruffian, Syndicate Enforcer, Zarichi Tiger, Dutiful Thrull, Basilica Guards
PACK 4 : Merciless Eviction, Hold the Gates, Orzhov Keyrune, Vizkopa Guildmage, Corpse Blockade, Basilica Screecher, Court Street Denizen, Beckon Apparition, Basilica Guards, Death's Approach, Devour Flesh, Dutiful Thrull, Slate Street Ruffian, Kingpin's Pet
PACK 5 : Immortal Servitude, Urbis Protector, Killing Glare, Orzhov Charm, Shadow Alley Denizen, Dutiful Thrull, Purge the Profane, Smite, Syndicate Enforcer, Court Street Denizen, Contaminated Ground, Kingpin's Pet, Skyblinder Staff, Corpse Blockade
PACK 6 : Blind Obedience, One Thousand Lashes, Wight of Precinct Six, Murder Investigation, Slate Street Ruffian, Dutiful Thrull, Executioner's Swing, Knight Watch, Beckon Apparition, Basilica Guards, Syndicate Enforcer, Smite, Gutter Skulk, Syndic of Tithes
PACK 7 : Crypt Ghast, Knight of Obligation, Cartel Aristocrat, Gateway Shade, Angelic Edict, Basilica Screecher, Purge the Profane, Smite, Armored Transport, Guildscorn Ward, Contaminated Ground, Basilica Guards, Beckon Apparition, Slate Street Ruffian
PACK 8 : Luminate Primordial, Vizkopa Confessor, Smog Elemental, Holy Mantle, Basilica Screecher, Purge the Profane, Shadow Alley Denizen, Smite, Devour Flesh, Kingpin's Pet, Aerial Maneuver, Slate Street Ruffian, Guildscorn Ward, Millennial Gargoyle
DIMIR - Consuming Abberation / Dimir Guildgate
PACK 1 : Lazav, Dimir Mastermind, Dying Wish, Gridlock, Bane Alley Broker, Midnight Recovery, Sage's Row Denizen, Psychic Strike, Metropolis Sprite, Grisly Spectacle, Way of the Thief, Horror of the Dim, Millennial Gargoyle, Spell Rupture, Deathcult Rogue
PACK 2 : Mind Grind, Bane Alley Broker, Voidwalk, Wight of Precinct Six, Last Thoughts, Grisly Spectacle, Sage's Row Denizen, Mortus Strider, Shadow Slice, Metropolis Sprite, Paranoid Delusions, Midnight Recovery, Keymaster Rogue, Shadow Alley Denizen
PACK 3 : Whispering Madness, Smog Elemental, Dinrova Horror, Sapphire Drake, Contaminated Ground, Prophetic Prism, Keymaster Rogue, Armored Transport, Skygames, Paranoid Delusions, Sage's Row Denizen, Gutter Skulk, Totally Lost, Mortus Strider
PACK 4 : Soul Ransom, Mental Vapors, Mindeye Drake, Coerced Confession, Corpse Blockade, Mortus Strider, Death's Approach, Razortip Whip, Balustrade Spy, Skygames, Shadow Slice, Deathcult Rogue, Midnight Recovery, Hands of Binding
PACK 5 : Nightveil Specter, Agoraphobia, Killing Glare, Duskmantle Guildmage, Last Thoughts, Midnight Recovery, Deathcult Rogue, Scatter Arc, Slate Street Ruffian, Psychic Strike, Metropolis Sprite, Corpse Blockade, Skygames, Shadow Alley Denizen
PACK 6 : Stolen Identity, Undercity Informer, Ætherize, Dimir Charm, Midnight Recovery, Metropolis Sprite, Grisly Spectacle, Skygames, Balustrade Spy, Psychic Strike, Shadow Slice, Deathcult Rogue, Spell Rupture, Shadow Alley Denizen
PACK 7 : Undercity Plague, Call of the Nightwing, Gateway Shade, Incursion Specialist, Death's Approach, Spell Rupture, Deathcult Rogue, Keymaster Rogue, Contaminated Ground, Leyline Phantom, Skyblinder Staff, Skygames, Balustrade Spy, Psychic Strike
PACK 8 : Sepulchral Primordial, Dimir Keyrune, Illness in the Ranks, Dimir Charm, Horror of the Dim, Last Thoughts, Death's Approach, Deathcult Rogue, Riot Gear, Slate Street Ruffian, Sage's Row Denizen, Mortus Strider, Contaminated Ground, Totally Lost
GRUUL - Rubblehulk / Gruul Guildgate
PACK 1 : Borborygmos Enraged, Hellraiser Goblin, Frenzied Tilling, Serene Remembrance, Ember Beast, Primal Visitation, Disciple of the Old Ways, Mugging, Predator's Rapport, Riot Gear, Greenside Watcher, Pit Fight, Act of Treason, Ivy Lane Denizen
PACK 2 : Gruul Ragebeast, Crackling Perimeter, Ground Assault, Wasteland Viper, Skinbrand Goblin, Primal Visitation, Act of Treason, Slaughterhorn, Millennial Gargoyle, Zhur-Taa Swine, Wildwood Rebirth Scab-Clan Charger, Madcap Skills, Disciple of the Old Ways
PACK 3 : Signal the Clans, Miming Slime, Rust Scarab, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Prophetic Prism, Verdant Haven, Structural Collapse, Ruination Wurm, Scorchwalker, Skinbrand Goblin, Forced Adaptation, Zhur-Taa Swine, Burst of Strength, Tin Street Market
PACK 4 : Clan Defiance, Ripscale Predator, Gruul Charm, Hindervines, Slaughterhorn, Act of Treason, Primal Visitation, Ember Beast, Disciple of the Old Ways, Zhur-Taa Swine, Predator's Rapport, Skinbrand Goblin, Armored Transport, Scorchwalker
PACK 5 : Rubblebelt Raiders, Alpha Authority, Burning-Tree Emissary, Homing Lightning, Tin Street Market, Razortip Whip, Foundry Street Denizen, Mugging, Ruination Wurm, Spire Tracer, Act of Treason, Slaughterhorn, Naturalize, Primal Visitation
PACK 6 : Wrecking Ogre, Skarrg Guildmage, Madcap Skills, Disciple of the Old Ways, Scab-Clan Charger, Foundry Street Denizen, Ember Beast, Slaughterhorn, Mark for Death, Primal Visitation, Spire Tracer, Pit Fight, Forced Adaptation, Tower Defense
PACK 7 : Skarrg Goliath, Viashino Shanktail, Gruul Keyrune, Skullcrack, Structural Collapse, Pit Fight, Mugging, Disciple of the Old Ways, Ruination Wurm, Ember Beast, Predator's Rapport, Madcap Skills, Scab-Clan Charger, Scorchwalker
PACK 8 : Sylvan Primordial, Gruul Charm, Cinder Elemental, Crowned Ceratok, Pit Fight, Act of Treason, Skyblinder Staff, Scorchwalker, Scab-Clan Charger, Primal Visitation, Foundry Street Denizen, Wildwood Rebirth, Structural Collapse, Slaughterhorn
BOROS - Foundry Champion / Boros Guildgate
PACK 1 : Aurelia, the Warleader, Hold the Gates, Ordruun Veteran, Cinder Elemental, Madcap Skills, Skyblinder Staff, Bomber Corps, Wojek Halberdiers, Prophetic Prism, Assault Griffin, Nav Squad Commandos, Shattering Blow, Act of Treason, Court Street Denizen
PACK 2 : Spark Trooper, Hellraiser Goblin, Fortress Cyclops, Guardian of the Gateless, Foundry Street Denizen, Shattering Blow, Furious Resistance, Guildscorn Ward, Warmind Infantry, Assault Griffin, Structural Collapse, Wojek Halberdiers, Angelic Edict, Armored Transport
PACK 3 : Firemane Avenger, Skullcrack, Sunhome Guildmage, Righteous Charge, Foundry Street Denizen, Skyknight Legionnaire, Aerial Maneuver, Madcap Skills, Smite, Bomber Corps, Millennial Gargoyle, Mugging, Knight Watch, Shattering Blow
PACK 4 : Assemble the Legion, Crackling Perimeter, Truefire Paladin, Holy Mantle, Bomber Corps, Knight Watch, Towering Thunderfist, Shielded Passage, Martial Glory, Massive Raid, Guildscorn Ward, Madcap Skills, Wojek Halberdiers, Angelic Edict
PACK 5 : Boros Reckoner, Boros Charm, Homing Lightning, Boros Keyrune, Zarichi Tiger, Skyknight Legionnaire, Guildscorn Ward, Structural Collapse, Daring Skyjek, Martial Glory, Aerial Maneuver, Furious Resistance, Smite, Bomber Corps
PACK 6 : Frontline Medic, Firefist Striker, Arrows of Justice, Murder Investigation, Warmind Infantry, Assault Griffin, Furious Resistance, Zarichi Tiger, Towering Thunderfist, Martial Glory, Guildscorn Ward, Foundry Street Denizen, Skyknight Legionnaire, Razortip Whip
PACK 7 : Legion Loyalist, Arrows of Justice, Ripscale Predator, Urbis Protector, Riot Gear, Daring Skyjek, Nav Squad Commandos, Structural Collapse, Wojek Halberdiers, Martial Glory, Massive Raid, Bomber Corps, Court Street Denizen, Shielded Passage
PACK 8 : Molten Primordial, Mark for Death, Sunhome Guildmage, Boros Elite, Bomber Corps, Shielded Passage, Massive Raid, Skyknight Legionnaire, Guildscorn Ward, Warmind Infantry, Assault Griffin, Shattering Blow, Tin Street Market Daring Skyjek
SIMIC - Fathom Mage / Simic Guildgate
PACK 1 : Prime Speaker Zegana, Alpha Authority, Nimbus Swimmer, Rapid Hybridization, Verdant Haven, Drakewing Krasis, Greenside Watcher, Frilled Oculus, Hydroform, Way of the Thief, Adaptive Snapjaw, Clinging Anemones, Armored Transport, Wildwood Rebirth
PACK 2 : Biovisionary, AEtherize, Rust Scarab, Wildwood Rebirth, Scatter Arc, Crocanura, Frilled Oculus, Burst of Strength, Simic Charm, Hydroform, Leyline Phantom, Ivy Lane Denizen, Prophetic Prism Shambleshark
PACK 3 : Mystic Genesis, Experiment One, Elusive Krasis, Simic Fluxmage, Spell Rupture, Naturalize, Cloudfin Raptor, Adaptive Snapjaw, Hydroform, Ivy Lane Denizen, Totally Lost, Drakewing Krasis, Greenside Watcher, Razortip Whip
PACK 4 : Unexpected Results, Metropolis Sprite, Zameck Guildmage, Miming Slime, Gridlock, Verdant Haven, Shambleshark, Adaptive Snapjaw, Scatter Arc, Crocanura, Keymaster Rogue, Forced Adaptation, Bioshift, Spire Tracer
PACK 5 : Biomass Mutation, Urban Evolution, Tower Defense, Sapphire Drake, Riot Gear, Adaptive Snapjaw, Totally Lost, Drakewing Krasis, Hydroform, Sage's Row Denizen, Predator's Rapport, Frilled Oculus, Ivy Lane Denizen, Cloudfin Raptor
PACK 6 : Simic Manipulator, Merfolk of the Depths, Crowned Ceratok, Simic Keyrune, Crocanura, Spell Rupture, Bioshift, Millennial Gargoyle, Totally Lost, Spire Tracer, Drakewing Krasis, Clinging Anemones, Burst of Strength, Frilled Oculus
PACK 7 : Gyre Sage, Elusive Krasis, Hindervines, Mindeye Drake, Greenside Watcher, Way of the Thief, Burst of Strength, Cloudfin Raptor, Shambleshark, Totally Lost, Wildwood Rebirth, Leyline Phantom, Bioshift, Keymaster Rogue
PACK 8 : Diluvian Primordial, Nimbus Swimmer, Serene Remembrance, Agoraphobia, Spire Tracer, Bioshift, Clinging Anemones, Adaptive Snapjaw, Skygames, Naturalize, Sage's Row Denizen, Burst of Strength, Shambleshark, Skyblinder Staff
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