

Pit Tales

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,
A very Happy Thanksgiving to our American cousins to the south!  May your feasts of avian beasts be a happy one with your friends and family.  Also, we wish you happy hunting during your Black Friday / Cyber Monday retail sales quest.  As for us here at MTG Realm in Canada-Land, we're certain there is still leftover turkey lurking in a dark corner of our freezer but at the moment, the sun is shinning, it's mild and there is no forecast of snow until at least tomorrow.

For today's post, we wanted to take a look at a Magic: the Gathering webcomic produced by non-other than MTG head designer Mark RosewaterTales from the Pit is a Photo Comic written by MaRo and provides a sometimes humorous look at the 9 to 5 life of some of the Wizards of the Coast Magic: the Gathering team.  Specifically, the 'Pit' is the area where the MTG R&D team toils and from what we see from here looks to be a pretty cool space to let your creative side feed into a successful corporate product.

Anywhoos, here are several select installments from MaRo's Tumblr feed -


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