

RTR Spoiler 6

Happy Sunday MTG peeps,

Some very exciting news about the next Magic: The Gathering set, Return to Ravnica set to be released on 5 October, 2012.  Forum user '1Drop' was able to find a treasure trove of Return to Ravnica spoilers on the mothersite which had been loaded but not yet hyperlinked to a front page.  The content essentially provides additional story-line / flavour as well as a ton of Return to Ravnica art spoilers / previews.  Expect a series of posts here at MTG Realm as we churn through the content.  In this post, we have a slew of Return to Ravnica arts which is part of the very cool 'Which Guild are you?' Quiz.  On a personal note, we cannot recall being this excited in anticipation for a MTG set release. 

These images, for ease of organisation were put together in an ah-hoc Return to Ravnica Guild banners and we cannot provide any assurance that arts provided belong to the guild indicated.  Only refer to the mothersite for official previews. Anywhoos - let's have a looky . . .

Azorius Senate

House Dimir

The Cult of Rakdos

The Gruul Clans

Slesnya Conclave

Ensure you drop by MTG Mint Card to get your pre-orders in for the soon to be released Izzet vs. Golgari which is rumoured to feature at least six new cards to be part of this fall's large set Return to Ravnica.

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