

Magic 2013 UltraPro

Hello again MTG peeps,

In this, our second post to the MTR Realm bloggy, we wanted to share the Ultra•Pro lineup for Magic 2013.  We first started yattering about this early last week on Tumblr but now have all the images revealed.  If you've missed our first post earlier today, you may want to catch up on the new M13 spoilers and previews.

Anywhoos - let's have a looks at what Ultra•Pro has for us to sleeve up / deck up or binder up our new slick core set cards with . . .

Magic 2013 Ultra•Pro Products

UPR 86000 - MTG 2013 Vertical Deck Protector
UPR 86001 - MTG 2013 Top Load Deck Box
UPR 86002 - MTG 2013 Horizontal Deck Protector
UPR 86003 - MTG 2013 Side Load Deck Box
UPR 86004 - MTG 2013 Playmat 1
UPR 86005 - MTG 2013 Playmat 2
UPR 86006 - MTG 2013 Playmat 3
UPR 86007 - MTG 2013 Playmat 4
UPR 86008 - MTG 2013 2” Album
Nice - we were hoping for some of the amazing card art (like Sands of Delirium) but this may do.  We almost want to go complere matching on the slick dark products - UPR 86000 - MTG 2013 Vertical Deck Protector / UPR 86001 - MTG 2013 Top Load Deck Box / UPR 86005 - MTG 2013 Playmat 2 / UPR 86008 - MTG 2013 2” Album but don't know whether the gang down at the local games store (OMG! Games) will tease us for being OCD or fear us as it just looks sooo pro.
Apparently we failed to get to you the image of that other playmat - Here's the Magic 2013 playmat for  Mindclaw Shaman ->

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