

Dark Ascension Spoiler 3

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

Following our two previous posts this week (here and here), we have rather unimaginatively decided to title this post Dark Ascension Spoiler 3. Moving on from the the otherwise dull name to the contents of today's post - Dark Ascension Product Images !

The following image was obtained from a Japanese website retailing Magic the Gathering product, and although they provide unsubstantial details on each of the products, one is still able to glean some information from the small low-quality imagery - like this image of Dark Ascension booster packs.

Anywhoos - Let's have a look . . .

The 'big' picture . . .

Going deeper and enlarging the Dark Ascension Intro Packs . . .

It appears that we can expect the following colours for Intro Packs:
/ (Angel ?),
/ (Werewolf ?),
/ (Human Sorcerer ?),
/ (Vampire ?), and
/ (mad Human scientist ?)

Next up - zooming in to the Dark Ascension Event Decks - unfortunatley, very difficult to see what's going on . . .

And lastly, the Fat Pack spread . . .

Ensure you plan on attending a Pre-Release or Release Event. We plan to be heading over to the best game store in Ontario - OMG! Games, here in Barrie (map thingy below).

Dark Ascension, the second set in the Innistrad block promises to deliver classic / gothic horror to Magic the Gathering fans. Official previews begin on Wizards on Monday 9th January with pre-release events on January 27/28 and release on February 3rd.


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