

Epic EDH Commander

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

In our last posted we told you that we wanted to yatter a bit about some of those EDH / Commander games which occupied a large chunk of last weekend - well we will get to that today.

EDH / Commander is pretty much as fun a casual Magic the Gathering format can get and for that we thank the godfather of EDH Sheldon Menery, who had just recently retired as a DCI Level 5 judge.

Anywhoos - we can't really go over all the interesting 'n' awesome plays from our games but what we can do is provide a summary of one of several games which represents the flavour of most the games this last weekend . . .

Yours truly, CopySix ran with the mono-white soldier deck featuring Darien, King of Kjeldor as General.

There are a lot of soldiers, white weenie pumps and some solid evasion via colour protection or auras. Several cards such as Silence also mess up an opponent's tempo.

Retro-Tech loves Elves so she ran a mono-green deck featuring Eladamri, Lord of Leaves as General.

Essentially there be elves here - many elves with loads of pumps, trample effects and some interesting / cool green spells we did kow even existed.

R-Stomp ran a red-black deck featuring loads of demons and featuring Rakdos the Defiler as General.

His deck runs just about any black or red spell which may have made a name for itself back when they were king in standard. Otherwise, a large assortment of black and red demons.


Righto - onto one game which we loved (not strictly in chronilogical order) . .

Retro-Tech accelerates her game via mana dorks (like Lawnmower version one / two, etc.), and eventually over several turns gets Eladamri, Asceticism for big-time hexprood, drops an Ambush Commander making all those forests 1/1 Elf creatures as well as Elvish Promenade to go over the top . .

The board position looks grim against her and all those elves put CopySix is able to build one massive fatty sammich with the General after a board wiper. A Mass Calicify, a Kithkin Rabble (one of the deck's few non-soldier critters) and an Armored asension (now powered at about a 17/17 flyer) leaves him in a good poisition . .

And now for R-Stomp's play using an interesting strategy employing negative counters with a splash of control. With Black Sun's Zenith, and a Kulrath Knight with a Fists of the Demigod on it, there were plenty of wither counters to shut down anything left on the board.

Yep - loads of fun. We also noticed that the above plays involved a lot of cards from Shadomoor, but you will just have to believe us that the decks did not contain a majority of cards from this set,

Anywhoos - send in an eMail or drop your story below about some exceptional EDH / Commander plays you've seen or had a hand in.
The folks over at MTG Mint Card has one heck of a Christmas Holiday deal - you can knock off 50% (!) off express shipping for any purchase. This deal is good until 21st December which should allow you loads of time to Christmas shop for that special MTG fan.


  1. another good monowhite comander is Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant, as a 3 mana drop that turns your palace guard into a perfect defence against non-flying creatures, or your avatar of hope for a better defence (well, avatar of hope would take a bit to drop into the battlefield, as you don't want to lose any life until darien appears)

  2. Darien breaks even with soul warden, and turns a life profit with that and soul's attendant.
