

Tap: Max´s Game

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

We wanted to yatter about a soon to be released film featuring a serious Magic the Gathering theme. The last time there was even a MTG blip on our radar as it comes to films, it was The Sorcerer's Apprentice, released in 2010. The film featured a very cool Nicolas Cage, a whole lotta cheeze and very little MTG :-(

This new film is called 'Tap: Max's Game' and is directed by Kamil Beer promises to quite a hit with MTG players and fans as well as the gaming community in general.

This is a Czech independent film and we hope to be able to have it come to a local film festival in our neighbourhood where we can show our support. This sort venture is the kind of enterprise we hope does very well. Anywhoos - enough yattering from us - Director Kamil Beer has provided this brief summary of the film . . .

"The movie is called 'Tap: Max's Game' and it's about a group of friends who used to play Magic, many years ago, but they kind of separated and went their own ways – their friendship just kind of drifted apart. The main character is Carl, and he is given the chance get back into Magic and start playing again when he meets up with two of the other members of the old Fireball club. One of them, Thomas, challenges Carl to try and play again, and to prove they can still be good".

"The story is about Magic, but the themes in the film are about rebuilding old friendships, getting the team back together, sharing things with your friends, and going up against the odds. I think of it as a sports movie, really, like a Rocky or a Karate Kid – it just happens that the fights are with cards. The inspiration came a few years ago, and I used to travel to college with the Rocky theme music going through my head, and I kept thinking about what would happen if you put that music to a film about Magic".

"It's being shot in the Czech language, so we're going to release it first to some local alternative cinemas. Then we're going to get it subtitled and dubbed and hopefully we'll be able to take it to some film festivals, and then eventually we hope to release it onto the internet for free."
Here's the official trailer for the film . .


In our review process to write a brief article on this film, we've come acrosss this image of a very lovely red mage in the form of Chandra shot by the impressive artist / photographer Nino Zardalishvili, who is working on marketing / PR for this flick. We sincerely hope she does make a few appearences in the film somewhere. This alone should posess our regular readers to get out and watch the film.

You can join their Facebook group HERE, and drop by the film's website HERE. Follow them on Twitter HERE, and their Indie GoGo linky over here.

This film Stars Ondrej Holecek as Karel Adam, Mikoláš Adlof as Max Miller, Max Novosad as Tomáš Ryba, Martin Pelíšek as Martin White, Tomáš Cerný as Joe Ryba and Jana Machová as Mája. It is directed by Kamil Beer, and written by Kamil Beer, Ladislav Vitouš, Jana Machová. The film is produced by 2D studio.


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