

Innistrad ComicCon Panel

Happy Saturday MTG peeps,

Last night's Super FNM at OMG! Games was a complete success. The place was jam-packed not only with players vying for the coveted first-prize Time Walk but also with the camera crew and show staff for a filming of the upcoming Risky Business reality show.

Anywhoos, we ran that Tempered Steel deck that
Ishida had won the Japanese Nationals with but could not get there with the curiosities of the local meta-game. Speaking of curious, in our last round, our opponent side-boarded in some very strategic Creeping Corrosion which blew my full board out of the water. What was curious was that he had kept these cards under the table and un-sleeved . . . hmm(?).

Righto - back on track -
Reports are in from the much anticipated Magic Panel from this weekend's Comic Con in San Diego. Let's get to the eye-candy first ->

Announced -
The second set of the Innistrad block will be named Dark Ascension which has the tag-line - "Command the Night" (Images courtesy of Brian David Marshall (@Top8Games).

This image certainly looks like a Sorin Planeswalker to me chillaxing in Castlevania with a feeling similar to that of Ral Zarek's art.

Next - a very, very lucky Magic the Gathering fan won an orignal (!) piece of artwork reported to be a card from Innistrad named 'Creepy Doll'. We are thinking this may be a kick-butt artifact creature.

Spoilers from the panel below:

Originally Posted by @dailymtg
New art for Kresh the Bloodbraided, & Su Quan, Lord of Wu! Crowd goes wild.

Originally Posted by @dailymtg
Now onto Duel Decks: Ajani vs Nicol Bolas. New Ajani & Bolas art shown. New alternate art for Lightning Helix. #mtgsdcc

Originally Posted by @dailymtg
It finally looks like @maro254 gets to talk about Innistrad finally! Vampires, zombies, and werewolves oh my! #mtgsdcc

Originally Posted by @dailymtg
"There's some graveyard & tribal mechanics" --@maro254 #mtgsdcc
Red Vampires! Blue zombies! #mtgsdcc

"Werewolves are a very very key part of this set, they're red & green." #mtgsdcc

"YES she (Lillian) is in the set. Also, there are TWO planeswalkers in the set." #mtgsdcc
One more thing. Dark Ascension. Control the Night. February 2012.

"There ARE more than just vampires, werewolves, & zombies in horror. I gave you just a taste." @maro254 #mtgsdcc

Originally Posted by Evilempire22 View Post
Doran, the Siege Tower was also revealed to be part of FTV: Legends. Old art.


The big news, given the above -

Weridness and coolness - no hints yet on what to expect for white and it's allied pair green and blue. SPECULATE AWAY below folks !

1 comment:

  1. SORIN IS BACK!!!!!!

    That will be all.
