

M12 Intro Packs

Happy Friday MTG peeps,

As it is Friday, we suggest you start your weekend off right and get out to an FNM tonight and connect with your buds - or alternatively, clean off that kitchen table, arrange for bevies 'n' munchies and get some good gaming in.

Today's post concerns the latest Magic the Gathering news on the Magci 2012 core set. We have images from a D12 (DotP 2012) promo insert which provided images of M12 Intro Packs. If your eyes are better than ours, we encourage you to help us out with these latest spoilers. We will provide updates (better images / decklists / reviews) when we have all the confirmed info.

M12 / Intro Pack

Foil Rare -

Aegis Angel, 4

Creature - Angel, Rare

M12 / Intro Pack

Foil Rare -

Sphinx of Uthuan, 5

Creature - Sphinx, Rare

M12 / Intro Pack

Foil Rare -

(Rune) ????-Scarred Demon, 5

Creature - Demon, Rare

M12 / Intro Pack

Foil Rare -

Flameblast Dragon, 4

Creature - Dragon, Rare

M12 / Intro Pack

Foil Rare -

??????? Spinner, 5

Creature - Spider, Rare


OK - lets talk.

You will, of course noticed that Flameblast Dragon is in the
/ Intro Pack - yeah it's a reprint - we have no issue with that - we HAVE and issue that this was the foil rare in the Shards of Alara Primordial Jund Intro Pack - really Wizards - w. t. frack ! !

OK - now some nice things to say about Wizards of the Coast.
You saw the Aegis Angel art ? DANG - is that sweet - we most definitely want a foil - we don't even care is the card is jank - this art from the amazing artist Aleksi Briclot is epic - here's a better image from his website.

Last item - we are indeed very interested in the last
/ Intro Pack - why? - It's got a HUGE scarey-butt spider. When you drop this bada$$ into play, expect a full half of your opponents to immediately scoop their cards, give the game win, and go home to hide under their bed.

What's in an Intro Pack ?

One premium foil card, one 60-card deck, one 15-card booster pack, one learn-to-play insert, and one strategy insert - all for a suggested mrsp of just $ 12.99. Up here in Canada-Land, expect to pay anywhere from $15 to $18 (because we have more of a disposable income apparently).

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