

NPH FAQ Document

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

If you are heading out to a New Phyrexia pre-release, we suggest you set some time aside to review again our New Phyrexia spoiler list to evaluate top picks for your sealed pool. As well, you will be well-served should you read the Frequently Asked Questions document containing clarifications and rulings for the new cards. This will ensure that you will limit or eliminate a potentially embarassing faux-pas when slinging the new cardboard. Secondly, this should also help your game progress in an expeditious manner.

Anywhoos - here is the New Phyrexia Document

New Phyrexia FAQ Document


For an easier to read html version of the FAQ document, head on over to the mothership where they have a a lovely page put up along with graphics of the cards.

Be sure to drop by MTG Realm again as we go crazy with the Cheez Whiz and bring you more posts and VIDEOS of the all the pre-release madness. For now, ensure you know your vital stats to get you to the event . . .

Release Information

The New Phyrexia set contains 175 cards (60 common, 60 uncommon, 35 rare, 10 mythic rare, and 10 basic land).

Prerelease events: May 7-8, 2011
Launch Parties: May 13-15, 2011

The New Phyrexia set becomes legal for sanctioned Constructed play on its official release date: Friday, May 13, 2011.


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