

MTG Tactics Vid

Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,

There is about 4 feet of snow outside our front door, so instead of going to work, today is a fine day to check out several 'walk-through' videos of the new Magic the Gathering Tactics game.

We first posted about this new video game last month, so if you have not read this yet, you can check it out here. Essentially, Magic: The Gathering - Tactics is an online, 3D turn-based strategy game that allows players to command forces of dramatic 3D figures and powerful spell cards pulled from the Magic: The Gathering Multiverse. Players can participate in single player scenarios or jump right into PVP action against other players worldwide, 24 hours per day.

As there is no news on the Mirrodin Besieged spoiler / preview front, sit back and watch these vids . . .

One thing which we were rather impressed with is best described by this screen-capture below. Yep - whenever a critter gets smoked in play, apparently there is a noxious green gas (mirrodin necrogen gas?) which escapes from their colons . . . very kewl.

Also of note -

MTG Mint Card is running a very cool contest right now . . . drop by their Facebook page now, navigate over to the FREE Fire! tab and register - three lucky entrants will score a Fire & Lightning Premium Deck. This is running until 20th December.



  1. So it's just free? No strings attached?

  2. yes and no. all the cool stuff is pay per play, like draft and all the awesome spells.
