

Mirrodin Besieged Wallpaper

Happy Monday MTG Peeps,

Here in Canada-Land (central Ontario to be exact), we are most definitely feeling the full effects of Lake-effect snow - most folks in the village here are shovelling excess snow off their igloos and crazy Bob with the custom snowmobile plough is clearing a way from our subdivision to Possum Lodge for tonight's meeting.

While it may be cold up here (-20 degrees silliness or about -5 ºF), the new arts from the latest Magic the Gathering set, Mirrodin Besieged are certainly warming things up and promising to pimp any player's game.

Of note, we had provided a heads up for some new arts via WoTC for retailer promotion of the new set on the forums. One art in particular generated some discussion - a Mirrodin Besieged vampire art rumoured to be illustrated by Igor Kieryluk. The question is whether the art is too provocative. As for us, we love it and note that MTG has content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. As long as there is no art depicting a very violent action or other provocative situation including full-frontal, we are cool with it. We suggest you pipe in and provide an opinion - is something like this cool in your neck of the woods ?

Now - some of the recently-release Mirrodin site. Some MTG Realm readers have eMailed us that their internet connection may be too slow or it's just a matter of convenience to have the direct links posted here. We suggest you frolic whenever you may have some time to kill and enjoy this very cool site.

Hero of Bladehold, Austin Hsu

Once inside the gate, Captain Ria Ivor expected the worst. Some bloody visage like they had seen on the road. But the streets were completely deserted, and the eerie calm was disturbing even to her. She searched the faces of her three young soldiers. She could tell they were at the breaking point.
“Draw your swords,” Captain Ivor told them gruffly. “There is no way but forward.”


Titan Forge, Svetlin Velinov

As the Phyrexians seemed to flow unchecked from beneath the earth’s surface, their numbers continued to grow as Mirrans were taken and corrupted above. To counter this almost exponential growth, the Oxiddan tribes united to build forges to construct titan golems free of biological contamination that the Phyrexians could corrupt.


Contested War Zone, Scott Chou

These mirrored highlands were once known as Reflection’s Rise. In more peaceful times, the metallic hills would shine with mirrored copies of Mirrodin’s suns, but that high ground proved too valuable in war. The metal plates are pockmarked with scars now, torn apart by war as the Rise changes hands between the Mirrans and Phyrexians.


Finally, if you are looking to get some Christmas shopping done for that Magic Player in your life who also happens to loves Manga, why not check out a Jace vs Chandra duel deck from MTG Mint Card. You may also want to peruse the top 50 list of movers and shakers here.

1 comment:

  1. Love the vampire art - it provokes both with sexuality and gore. I want her in my deck already!
